Breaking the Mask

The hidden self has a hidden agenda. It creates an imaginary personality to satisfy that agenda based on beliefs about the self and the world that are acquired at an early age.

To cope with the pressure of the real self and the world, it projects a mask to the public rather than a functional persona or the simple radiance of the real identity.

The most effective approach to break the masks of your imaginary personality is by meditation. You confront the thoughts from the hidden personality at the root as they arise. Hit each thought with a phrase of equal force that interweaves you and the Infinite. The mantra must hit the thought and command it to stop. Do not reason or converse. Transform.

Stay in an absolute nonreactive state. Be neutral and project strongly. Assert your identity in God and spirit. Set the agenda of your mind by vibrating at a frequency that is higher and that invokes the presence of your higher transcendental self.

This meditation is excellent for that purpose. We must break the imagery imprinted through self-hypnotic trances started in childhood. The heart center must open and relate beyond the pain or fear in that imprint.

The affirmation used in this mantra is a double affirmative that can break away from the trance-like unreality created by the inner narratives of the hidden self.

The Practice

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine.

Mudra: The heels of the hands are together in front of the heart center in an open lotus. The sides of the thumb tips meet, as do the sides of the little fingers. All the fingers are open and spread but are not stiffly held. It looks like an open flower. The fingers point upward.

Eyes: 1/10th open, or as you like.


Part 1: Prepare to chant the mantra with this segmented pranayam. Inhale one-third of the way and hold for 15 seconds. Inhale another one-third and hold 15 seconds. Inhale completely and suspend for a final 15 seconds, then exhale. Continue for 15 minutes. (With practice, this sequence of inhaling and suspending the breath can be taken up to three 20 second holds.)

Part 2: Chant the mantra for 11 minutes.

Part 3: Repeat Part 1 for 5 more minutes.

Mantra: Chant the following mantra in a steady pace and in a tune you like that preserves its beat.

Har Jee Har Har Har Har Har Jee

Total time: 31 minutes.

The mantra means “O, my soul, (the creative) God is, God is, God is, God is, O, my soul.” Har manifests from the Infinite subtlety of God into immediate experience.

The double form—the palindromic sequence of sounds, manifests the state of creative Infinity itself. It opens your soul to be real and your mind to link effectively to your real identity.

In the mudra, the thumbs connect to represent “I am” and the little fingers “I shall be.” The three fingers that are open represent the past, present and future.

So between how you are and how your soul will bloom, all of time serves you. It is a mudra for your connection and flow of life from your essence; its subtle and electromagnetic form adjusts the projection of the heart center and lets your words go deeply into your mind to guide your new behaviors.

This meditation was originally taught on November 11, 1983 and is published in KRI’s Aquarian Teacher Conscious Communication Level 2 Manual.