Bringing Mental Balance

This meditation is also known as the meditation to do ‘When Nothing Else Works.’ Try it when you don’t know what to do. It is said to counter the effects of disorientation, depression, and disconnectedness.

The Practice

Posture: Sit with a straight spine.

Eyes: The eyes are one-tenth open.

Mudra: Interlace the fingers with the palms facing up; fingers point up at a gentle 60° angle; thumbs are straight. Hold the inverted Venus Lock at the solar plexus.

Mantra: Chant the Guru Gaitri Mantra:

Gobinday, Mukanday, Udaaray, Apaaray, Hareeang, Kareeang, Nirnaamay, Akaamay

These are the eight aspects of God: Sustainer, Liberator, Enlightener, Infinite, Destroyer, Creator, Nameless, Desireless.

It should totally turn into a sound current. Chant as fast as possible so that the words are indistinguishable.

Start with 11 minutes and over time build up to 31 minutes.