We need a strong meditative mind—a steady, calm, clear mind—so we can live with consciousness and clarity. The meditative mind gives us the ability to act with intuition and wisdom, rather than to impulsively react to everything that comes to us.
The Practice
Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with your spine straight, chin in and chest lifted. Use the right hand to pinch the right earlobe between your thumb and Jupiter (index) finger (the hand is like Gyan Mudra, except the earlobe is in between the thumb and index finger).
Let the arm hang so that the weight of the right arm pulls the earlobe gently downward. This combination of pinch and pull is acupressure for the brain. Place your left hand over your navel.
Eyes: Close your eyes.
Breath: Breathe through the mouth. You must whistle on the inhalation. Then breathe out.

Continue for 31 minutes. To end, inhale deeply, hold the breath for 15-20 seconds, stretch your spine, and pinch the earlobe as much as you can. Exhale and repeat. Then inhale deeply, hold the breath for 15-20 seconds, stretch your spine, press your left hand against your navel, and pinch the earlobe as much as you can. Exhale and relax.
This meditation can be found in Praana, Praanee, Praanayam, available through KRI.