Doei Ashtapad Jap Meditation for Healing

This chant is an ashtang (8-beat) mantra, said to balance prana and apana to energize the central channel of the spine, known as the sushumna. 

When systematically awakened and integrated into the nervous system, kundalini energy is deeply healing for our tissues, organs, and cells. Many believe that physical body ailments are spiritually healed not by you, but by the grace of the infinite conscious energy. 

This practice increases the healing power in the hands, and is thought to open us up to that flow of grace.

The Practice

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose.

Focus: Concentrate at the Brow Point.

Mudra: Put the hands in Gyan Mudra with the thumb tips and forefingers touching.

Breath: Begin Long Deep Breathing. On the inhale, mentally vibrate Sat Nam 16 times. On the exhale, mentally vibrate Wahe Guru 16 times. The rhythm is steady and continuous.

Sat Nam Sat Nam Sat Nam Sat Nam

Sat Nam Sat Nam Sat Nam Sat Nam

Sat Nam Sat Nam Sat Nam Sat Nam

Sat Nam Sat Nam Sat Nam Sat Nam

Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru

Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru

Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru

Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru

Begin with 11 minutes and increase by 2 minutes a day until you reach 31 minutes.


In Kundalini Yoga, the ashtang rhythm of eight is basic. The 16 beats are done mentally in two strokes of eight. There are four strokes up and four strokes down, making a complete cycle of eight.

This meditation can be found in the manual, KRIYA, available through KRI.