Har Meditation for Prosperity

According to Kundalini Yoga, prosperity comes through the heart. The Sanskrit mantra, “Har,” translates to “God as the Creative Infinity,” and affirms our ability to co-create. This kriya is a prosperity practice. It is an active combination of mudra (hand position) and mantra (sound) designed to bring prosperity to your life. 

This meditation stimulates the mind, along with the moon and Jupiter centers of the hands. It’s the coming together of Moon and Jupiter that’s said to create wealth. 

You may practice this meditation for 3-11 minutes, but no more. More than 11 minutes is said to be greedy.

The Practice

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose, with a light jalandhar  bandh.

Eyes: Focus at the tip of the nose, eyes are 9/l0th closed.

Mudra: Elbows are by the sides, forearms are at a 45° angle, with the fingers at the level of the throat. The exercise begins with the palms facing down.

Alternately strike the sides of the hands together. When the palms are face down, the sides of the Jupiter (index) fingers touch, and the thumbs cross below the hands, with the right thumb under the left.

When the palms are face up, the Mercury (pinky) fingers and the Moon Mounds (located at the base of the palms) touch.

Mantra: Har

Chant continuously from the navel, using the tip of the tongue (pronounced “hud”). The album Tantric Har by Simran and GuruPrem is recommended for this meditation.

Continue for 3-11 minutes.


The sound of “ha” relaxes the heart. And in combination with the pump of the belly, which releases the navel energy to be circulated at the heart – plus the dynamic hand position, which combines the Jupiter and Mercury energies – we begin to harness the power of Shakti.