Meditation for Burn-Out

This is the best thing to do when you think you are getting burned out. The mudra is a dormant state of energy. We totally zero our authoritative magnetic field. Practice this meditation only when there is time to remain still and relaxed upon completion

The Practice

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine.

Mudra: Fold the thumbs across the palms of each hand until the thumb tips rest at the base of the Mercury (ring) finger. Bring the backs of the hands together in front of the Heart Center and press them together firmly. The upper hands are not as closely pressed together as the backs of the fingers. Keep the arms comfortable and relaxed, and the elbows as loose as possible.

Breath: Deeply inhale in 8 equal parts through the nose. Completely exhale in 8 equal parts.

Eyes: Focus at the tip of the nose.

Begin by practicing this meditation for 11 minutes. When you feel competent at this time, increase to 22 minutes. Then increase to 31 minutes.

This kriya can be found in Kriya: Yoga Sets, Meditations & Classic Kriyas.