Meditation Series for Preventing Mega Information Syndrome

Mega Information syndrome is simply information overload caused by too much online time. When so much information is coming to us on a daily basis, it can cause neurological changes and deplete the central nervous system.

Symptoms include confusion, depression, feelings of emptiness, general overwhelm, and more. What is needed to protect ourselves is a meditative mind, developed intuition, a strong magnetic field, and deep relaxation.

This 6-part kriya helps to prevent Mega Information Syndrome.

Meditation for Creative Imagery

Posture: Easy Pose.

Eyes: Closed.

Mudra: Place the hands on the knees. Bring the Saturn fingers (middle), Sun fingers (ring) and Mercury fingers (little) down onto the pad of the hands. Fingers are straight, not curled. Jupiter finger (index) is pointing away from you and the thumb is pulled back comfortably.

Mantra: Chant in a monotone: “I am Gyani.” (One who is wise.) Try to sound mechanical, like a computer.

Continue for 5 minutes.

Meditation to Prevent Going "Berserk"

Posture: Easy Pose.

Eyes: Eyes are closed.

Mudra: Hands are on the knees. Sun and Mercury fingers are pressed down by the thumb. The Jupiter and Saturn fingers are straight. This is called Christ Mudra.

Mantra: Chant in a monotone: “I am Dhyani.” (One who meditates.)

Continue for 5 minutes.

Meditation for Faith

Posture: Easy Pose.

Eyes: Eyes are closed.

Mudra: Hold the Mercury finger down with the thumb and keep the three fingers straight.

Mantra: Chant in a monotone: “I am Imani.” (The faithful one.)

Continue for 5 minutes.

Meditation for Penetration in Communication

Posture: Easy Pose.

Eyes: Eyes are closed.

Mudra: Keep the hands in the mudra from the previous meditation but bring the three fingertips together in front of the body between the Heart Center and the Solar Plexus, fingertips pointing forward.

Mantra: Chant Hum Hum Brahm. (We are the indivisible vibration of God.)

Continue for 5 minutes.

Meditation for Making Depression Disappear

Posture: Easy Pose.

Eyes: Eyes are closed.

Mudra: The left hand is palm up; right hand is palm down. The hands make an X; lock the thumbs.

Breath: Breathe long and deep.

Continue for 11 minutes. Then get up and sing and dance – time not specified.