
Meditation to Act, Don’t React

If you choose to work with this meditation for 11 minutes a day, very soon you may find yourself a changed person. Whistling the breath on the inhale has a magnetic effect on the body. The cannon fire exhale takes away all that is not needed. The posture contains your energy, with the arm position working on important meridian points. 

The Practice

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with your spine straight, chin in and chest lifted.

Mudra: Bend your elbows and lift your forearms so that the elbows are not resting on the ribs. From elbow to finger tips, the forearms are at a 45-degree angle forward. The hands are in Gyan Mudra, the tip of the thumb touching the tip of the Jupiter (index) finger.

Eyes: Close your eyes.

Breath: Inhale deeply through the puckered lips with a whistle (3-4 seconds), hold the breath (3-4 seconds) and cannon fire the exhalation out through the mouth. (Cannon Breath is a powerful exhalation from the navel point through the mouth. The cheeks are firm and the pressure of the breath passes over the tongue and out the mouth, with no bulging of the cheeks.)

Continue for 11 minutes. To end, inhale deeply, hold the breath for 10-15 seconds while you stretch the spine and tighten every fiber of your body. Cannon fire out the exhalation. Repeat this sequence two more times. Relax.


Calm yourself and claim yourself. If you start valuing your breath, valuing your environments, and valuing your projection, then one day you may be surprised that everyone, in turn, values you.  

This meditation was originally taught on January 17, 2000 and can be found in Praana, Praanee, Praanayam.