
Meditation to Discover the Beauty and Heavens Within

This is a dynamic meditation to affirm your inherently creative nature. It was initially taught for 17.5 minutes in class, but the time may be modified as needed.

The Practice

Posture: Sit in easy pose, spine straight, chin in slightly towards chest.

Mudra & Movement: Bend the elbows down by sides, and bring the hands up to the sides of each shoulder, so the wrists are at shoulder level, and the hands are about even with the level of your ears. Make the hands flat, palms face forward, with fingers spread wide and pointing towards the ceiling.

a) Bring your thumbs in so the pads of the thumbs press against the “mounds of Mercury,’ the fleshy mounds just below the pinkie finger on the palm of your hand.

b) Immediately close your fingers over the thumbs, and squeeze the fingers.

c) Immediately fling your fingers wide open and straight.

Although this movement contains three parts, they are done as one continuous movement, with no pauses between the sections.

Music & Mantra: The music used in the original class was Rhythms of Gatka by Matamandir Singh. Chant Har on every fourth beat (1 beat per second).  As you chant, the navel point is drawn in and the hands are closed at exactly the same moment. Remember to chant the mantra by flicking the tip of the tongue against the upper palate.

Practiced in class for 17.5 minutes but time may be modified as needed. To end, inhale very deeply and make your hands into fists. Squeeze the entire body, shifting the energy into every cell of the being. Don’t lose this chance. Hold the breath 10 seconds. Cannon-fire breath out. Repeat 3 times total, and relax.


Yogic wisdom suggests that there’s nothing outside of us. It’s all inside of us. Guru Nanak, the first of the Sikh gurus, said if you search outside you are wasting time. It’s all inside.