Relate to Your Own Essence

This is a 1.5 minute initiation in which we can relate very politely to our own essence. We do it only three times, so participate well.

The Practice

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine.

Mudra: Place your hands in Gyan Mudra, thumb tip touching the tip of the Jupiter (index) finger, keeping the other fingers perfectly straight. Cross your hands just above the wrists (it doesn’t matter which hand is on top). Hold the mudra comfortably close to your chest with the inside arm touching the body.

Breath: Inhale deeply and exhale completely, then rhythmically pump the navel to “eight points of Haree, three times.” Pump the navel as you mentally vibrate:

Haree, Haree, Haree, Haree, Haree, Haree, Haree, Har
Haree, Haree, Haree, Haree, Haree, Haree, Haree, Har
Haree, Haree, Haree, Haree, Haree, Haree, Haree, Har

In other words, with the breath held out, you pump the navel twenty-four times, once each time you vibrate “Haree” or “Har” of the mantra. (This takes about 30 seconds.) Inhale and repeat this breath two more times.

This is to be practiced for three breaths only. It will take about a minute and a half.


Consider how much this momentary practice, in just a minute and a half, can change you.

This meditation can be found in Praana Praanee Praanayam, available through KRI.