This is a mantra of self-healing, humility, relaxation, protective grace, and emotional relief. It calls on the spirit of Guru Ram Das.
The Guru Ram Das mantra is an ashtang mantra. Ashtang mantras have eight parts. They catalyze the kundalini energy to initiate through your own effort and devotion. The first part of the mantra, Guru Guru Wahe Guru, projects the mind to the Infinite, the source of knowledge and ecstasy. The second part, Guru Ram Das Guru, means “the wisdom that comes as a servant of the Infinite.”
This mantra projects the mind to the Infinite and then brings finite guidance on a practical level.
The Practice
Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with the spine straight.
Eyes: Close the eyes and focus at the brow point.
Mudra: The hands can be in any comfortable position (Gyan Mudra, folded in your lap, on the knees, etc.).
Mantra: Chant the Guru Ram Das Mantra for 5 – 31 minutes. There are many melodies for this mantra, or it can be recited in a monotone. Try to complete the whole mantra on one breath.
Guroo Guroo Wha-hay Guroo, Guroo Ram Das Guroo

Continue for 5 – 31 minutes.