Two-Part Meditation to Realize your Grace and Rise above Reflex Actions

When we live only by reflex, we lose contact with our source of higher energy, integration, and inspiration. If we are to find God, the Infinite, we must first stop looking for Him and find ourselves. To find ourselves we must first value ourselves and the life energy that sustains us.

In this two-part breath meditation you begin to realize through your own grace that you don’t need to find God: God will find you. The heart center opens and your consciousness is altered.

Part 1: 16 Stroke Breath

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose.

Breath & Mantra: Breathing only through your nose, inhale completely in 16 equal strokes. Resist each inhalation slightly by making your nostrils smaller. Then exhale in one continuous breath.

Hear the sound of your breath on the inhale as Sat. Let the breath and sound strike the bend of the nose as you inhale.

Eyes: Focus your eyes on the bend of the nose between the eyebrows.

Continue for 5 minutes on the first day. Then each day increase the time by 1 minute to a maximum of 31 minutes.

Part 2: 7 Wave Sat Nam

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose

Mantra: Chant the mantra Sat Nam according to the Law of Seven, also known as the Law of Tides: vibrate Sat in six waves, letting your voice rise and fall within each wave, and let Nam be the seventh sound.

On each wave, thread the sound through the chakras, beginning at the first chakra. On Nam, let the sound and energy radiate from the seventh chakra at the top of the head through the aura, unto Infinity.

First chakra – base of spine, rectum
Second chakra – sex organs
Third chakra – navel point
Fourth chakra – heart
Fifth chakra – throat
Sixth chakra – brow point
Seventh chakra – top of the head

Continue for 15 minutes, then relax.