The radiance and beauty of a person depends on the clarity and shine of their circumvent force field, which in turn depends on the balance of energy in the left (moon) and right (sun) sides of the body.
The Practice
Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with an erect spine.
Focus: Focus the attention at the Brow Point.
Breath: Use the right Jupiter (index) finger to alternately open and close the nostrils in the following sequence: Inhale deeply through the left nostril, suspend the breath 45 seconds, exhale through the right nostril in 4 equal parts.

Continue for 3 – 4 minutes.
Continue inhaling deeply through the left nostril and suspending the breath 45 seconds and begin exhaling through the right nostril in 8 equal parts.
Continue for 10 minutes.
The mind has many stages and states. It constantly generates the waves of thought you need in order for you and your brain to relate to this world. Normally people teach meditations to restrict the flow of the thought. You cannot stop the thoughts from being produced, but you can alter your relationship to them selectively.
Most meditations lead you to the state of suspension or the state of void. A few even teach you to reach the state of pratyahara (absorption). To focus the mind’s meditation to this state is the job of this pranayam.