The aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds your body. It acts as a container for your life force, bringing confidence, security, mercy, and love. A strong aura attracts positivity and repels negativity, so that illness cannot easily penetrate to your physical body. It gives a strong sense of security and an uplifting presence. A weak aura can make you feel paranoid or a lack of self-trust. Negativity can penetrate into the psyche and physical body.
This is a great kriya for developing your aura and helping keep disease away. It can relieve many digestive problems, gives strength to the arms, and extends the power of protection and projection in the personality.
Triangle Push-Ups
Posture: Stand up and bend forward so the palms are on the ground and the body forms a triangle.
Breath & Movement: Raise the right leg up with the knee straight. Exhale and bend the arms and bring the head toward the ground. Inhale and raise up to the original triangle pose.

Continue this triangle push-up for 1 minute. Switch legs and continue for 1 minute.
Arm Pumps
Posture: Sit in easy pose.
Mudra: Extend the left hand forward as if grasping a pole so the palm faces to the right. Cross the right hand beneath the left, palm down. Drop the thumb so the palm faces the right. Grasp the left hand (put the right fingers over the left hand).
Breath & Movement: Inhale and raise the arms to 60 degrees. Exhale and bring the arms down to shoulder level. Keep the elbows straight.

Breathe deeply and continue the movement for 2 to 3 minutes. Then inhale and stretch the arms up. Relax.
Arm Swings
Posture: Sit in Easy Pose. Bring the arms in front of you with the hands at the level of the face, palms facing each other about 6 inches apart.
Breath & Movement: As you inhale, swing the arms down and back. Exhale and bring them forward to the original position.

Continue for 3 minutes with deep rhythmic breaths, then relax.
The time can gradually be built up to 15 minutes for each exercise (7 ½ minutes per side in the first exercise). That will create a tremendous sweat. As you gradually increase the time, make sure you are continuing to practice each exercise for the same length.
This kriya can be found in Sadhana Guidelines manual and at the Library of Teachings.