This extraordinary Laya Yoga chant brings presence to your soul and destiny. It lets your activity serve your purpose, by connecting you with creativity and focusing your attention toward your true priorities. The mantra encourages you to remember and experience the link between you and the Creator, and it awakens the kundalini force that is the energy of creation.
Use this kriya to strive for progress and expansion, and feel that the Infinite will and your will act together in harmony. Strong actions combined with non-attachment make life a dance with much creativity and gratitude.
Try practicing it for 40-120 days, so that the experience of your true identity can begin to take hold within your subconscious.
The Practice
Posture: Sit in Easy Pose, with a light jalandhar bandh.
Eyes: Focus through the Brow Point.
Mudra: Put the palms together in Prayer Pose at the center of the chest, or in Gyan Mudra with the wrists on the knees.
Mantra: Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru
On Ek pull the Navel Point in lightly, and hold. Lift the diaphragm up firmly as you chant each line of the mantra. The “uh” sound is created as the diaphragm powerfully moves up. It is not another pronounced word. Relax the Navel Point and abdomen on Hay Guroo. With the breath, visualize the sound or energy spiraling up from the base of the spine out the top of the head spinning in 3-1/2 spins. (The spin is counterclockwise as though you are looking down at a clock on the floor.)
Ek Ong Kaar-uh”(One Creator Creation)
Sa Ta Na Ma-uh (True Identity)
Siree Wa-uh hay Guru (Great Indescribable Wisdom)
Continue for 11 – 31 minutes.
The word Laya refers to suspension from the ordinary world. Laya Yoga fixes your attention and energy on your essence and higher consciousness, helping to distance you from the power of ordinary distractions and reactivity.
The mantra has a structure of 3½ cycles in its spin. Each “uh” sound lifts the diaphragm, which moves the energy of prana and apana across the heart area. That transformation is one cycle. A single repetition of the mantra completes three of these cycles, plus the half cycle that is the “hay guru” at the end. The 3½ cycle is said to be the pulse rhythm of the kundalini itself, and kundalini energy is often represented as coiled 3½ times.
When you practice this kriya earnestly, be conscious and graceful with each word you speak. Do not listen to negative or coarse speech from others. Remember that the sins of the past are of the past, and that some of the greatest saints were sinners first.
This kriya can be found on the Library of Teachings, and in the KRI International Teacher Training Manual Level 1.