Our breath brings us prana – the source of our energy and vitality. The more consciously we practice this pranayama, the more prana we will build.
The Practice
Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine, chin in, chest lifted.
Eyes: Close your eyes.
Mudra: Clasp your hands together without interlacing your fingers. Lock your palms together by overlapping the fingers of each hand and crossing the thumbs. The fingers of the right hand are on top of the left hand and the fingers of the left hand wrap the outside of the right hand. Hold the hands at the center of the chest, the heart center.
Breath: Inhale in three strokes through the mouth (1 second per stroke = 3 second inhale) and with each stroke tighten and relax the grip of the two hands very consciously. You are creating a pulse at the hands, which coincides with the stroke of the breath. Exhale through the nose in one stroke (1 second). The hands remain clasped on the exhalation, but you do not squeeze them.

Continue for 15 minutes. To end, inhale, hold the breath for 15-20 seconds and make your grip very tight. Squeeze your entire body; bring energy to a central balance system. Cannon fire the breath out through the mouth. Inhale, hold the breath for 15-20 seconds and bring your shoulders, your arms, your feet, your torso, your spine, the whole thing into one solid iron-like state. Cannon fire the breath out. Inhale, hold the breath for 15-20 seconds and do nothing, just hold the breath with your will. Breathe out and relax.
This pranayam meditation was originally taught on June 11, I998 and can be found in the manual Praanaa Praanee Praanayam.