“For our security we normally reach outward to things or inward to emotions and strong feelings. When instead we tap the deep strength of our soul, we can achieve fulfillment. The powerful currents of our passions tum to compassion, commitment and joy.”
-Gurucharan Singh Khalsa
Waving Arms
This exercise brings calmness while simultaneously energizing the grey matter of the brain.
Posture & Movement: Sit in easy pose with a straight spine. Bend your elbows so that the upper arms are near the ribs and the forearms point upward. The hands are in gyan mudra with the palms facing forward, a little above shoulder level. Rotate the wrists and arms to make circles, moving the hands outward until the arms are fully extended and the palms face out to the sides. Then bring your arms back to the starting position, making the same wave-like pattern of circles.
You may decide your own pattern of movement according to your own sense of flow and style.
After 3 minutes, speed up the movement to your maximum. Move as fast as lightning but maintain the circling motions for another 10 minutes.
Eyes: Keep your eyes open.

Continue for 3 minutes at normal speed, then fast for 10 minutes.
Torso Circles
Posture & Movement: Immediately join your palms overhead in prayer mudra. Revolve your torso counterclockwise at the base of your spine. The momentum of the movement of your hands acts as a weight and counterbalance to the rotation of your lower spine. Keep your elbows straight.
Eyes: The eyes are closed

Continue for 3 ½ minutes.
Crossed Arm Hits
This exercise benefits the immune system.
Posture & Movement: Immediately cross your arms in front of your chest, the hands each grasping the opposite arm just above the elbow. Without releasing the position, alternately hit the crossed arms against the abdomen and then against the forehead. The impact should be distinct and intentional but not hard.

Continue for 3-5 minutes. Double your speed during the last thirty seconds.
Meditation Part A
Posture: Stretch your arms straight out to either side with the hands in gyan mudra and the palms facing upward. Keep the spine straight with the chin in and the chest out.
Eyes: Close your eyes
Focus: Feel the energy flowing into the palms of your hands.
Mantra: Sing along with the Narayan Shabad by Dev Suroop Kaur or Nirinjan Kaur. You may also do the exercise without the music.

Continue for 7 minutes then continue to the next part of the meditation.
Meditation Part B
Breath & Mudra: Inhale and very slowly pull your hands in until they are in front of your face, with the palms facing you and the fingers still in gyan mudra. Only the sides of the hands and the Mercury fingers should touch. This is Narayan mudra. Your elbows balance against your rib cage.
Eyes: Close your eyes.
Mantra: Silently meditate to the Narayan Shabad.

Continue for 9 minutes. To end: inhale, hold the breach for 20 – 25 seconds, and exhale. Repeat this sequence two more times. Relax.
This kriya can be found in the manual, Self-Knowledge.