Meditations for the Heart Center balance the frequency and quality of the Heart Center. The Heart Center opens the potential for compassion and humility. In these meditations the mind is focused into the channel of the heart. It is through the understanding that comes from the heart that the mind can realize the concept that Infinity is within us.
The Practice
Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine.
Mudra: Make the right hand into a fist with the thumb extended. Grasp the fist with the left hand and press the right thumb into the Navel Point.
Breath: Begin long deep and slow breathing. Concentrate on the flow of the breath and feel the pulse of the breath between the Navel Point and the root of the nose. Measure the breath along this path.

Continue for 11 minutes.
Humanity is now going through a global transition into the Aquarian Age. We are preparing to have sovereignty over the service of the Universal force. This requires Universal Consciousness.
There are two ways of developing Universal Consciousness: through hardship and time or through mantra. Mantra is the easier way. The difficulty is that mantra opens the Heart Center and the mind has difficulty following the heart’s frequency. In meditations for the Heart Center the mind is focused into the channel of the heart.
This meditation was originally taught on April 4, 1972.