This kriya involves a meditation upon the words of Guru Gobind Singh, Ajai Alai. It is the mantra for the radiant body, said to make you bright and beautiful.
The Practice
Posture: Easy Sitting Pose, spine straight, chin in Neck Lock
Mudra: With the elbows relaxed at the sides of the body extend the Jupiter fingers of each hand and bring the pads (first digit) of the Jupiter fingers together in front of the Heart Center. The thumbs lock over the Saturn fingers, making a fist in each hand. The right hand faces away and the left hand faces the chest.
Eyes: Focus on the tip of the Nose
Ajai Alai
Abhai Abai
Abhoo Ajoo
Anaas Akaas
Aganj Abhanj
Alakh Abhakh
Akaal Dayaal
Alayk Abhaykhe
Anaam Akaam
Agaahaa Adhaahaa
Anaatay Parmaatay
Ajonee Amonee
Na Raagay Na Rangay
Na Roopay Na Raykay
Akaramang Abharamang
Aganjay Alaykhay
Invincible. Indestructible.
Fearless. Everywhere.
Unborn. Forever.
Indestructible. Within Everything.
Invincible. Indestructible.
Invisible. Free from wants.
Immortal. Kind.
Unimaginable. Formless.
Unnameable. Free from desires.
Unfathomable. Undamageable.
Without a master. Destroyer of all.
Beyond birth & death. Beyond silence.
More than love itself. Beyond all colors.
Formless. Beyond chakras.
Beyond Karma. Beyond doubt.
Beyond battles. Unimaginable.

Continue for 24 minutes. To end, inhale, suspend the breath, exhale. Repeat twice more.
This kriya strengthens your radiant body. The original teaching was that if you need a miracle, or an answer to your troubles, memorize this mantra by heart. Chant it. And perhaps watch the situation solve itself, and the opposition dissolve itself in your presence.
What if, instead of arguing, questioning, answering, or talking, we just start chanting mentally? It’s not that we will not face difficulties, but it elevates the mind and shifts the perspective.
This meditation was originally taught on June 25, 2001. It is available as part of the I AM A WOMAN: Practicing Kindness DVD Series, Volume 3: Act Great and Never Be Turned by Fate.