This meditation can expand your experience of reality beyond our normal, constricted, day-to-day perception. It allows you to know that beyond your world there is another world, so you may start searching for that world. Through mastery of the meditative mind, we have the opportunity to experience happiness and fulfillment.
The Practice
Posture & Mudra: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. Raise the hands to shoulder level with the palms facing forward. The hands, elbows, and shoulders are in the same plane.
The fingers are split: the Jupiter (index) and Saturn (middle) fingers are together and the Sun (ring) and Mercury (pinky) fingers are together. Stretch the Saturn and Sun fingers away from each other. The thumbs are also extended, away from the hands.
Eyes: Eyes are focused at the tip of the nose.
Breath: Inhale in 10 equal parts; suspend the breath and mentally chant Aad Sach, Jugaad Sach, Hai Bhee Sach, Naanak Hosee Bhee Sach. Exhale in 10 equal parts; suspend the breath and mentally chant the mantra. Breathe gracefully and with ease. Continue the segmented breathing and mentally chanting on the suspended breath.
This meditation may also be practiced as a pranayam exercise without the suspension of the breath and mental mantra.

Continue for 11 – 31 minutes. To end, inhale and stretch up powerfully; exhale deeply. Repeat this two more times.
Focusing the eyes on the tip of the nose controls the optic nerve. By splitting the fingers you are controlling both hemispheres of the brain. By separating the thumbs you are separating the ego. By looking at the nose, you are concentrating and directing the optical nerve, which stimulates the sensory system of the brain.
Source: Kriya – Yoga Sets, Meditations, Classic Kriyas