When the Heart Center is strong and open, old wounds can heal and defenses begin to drop away. We are most aligned with our real Self when we have the strength to stay open and connected.
The Practice
Posture: Sit in a meditative posture.
Eyes: Focus at the tip of the nose.
Mudra: Bring your hands into an open Lotus Mudra in front of the Heart Center. The base of the palms come together. The first digits of the pinkie fingers and the thumbs touch their corresponding fingers along the sides. The remaining fingers are straight and spread open, much like a lotus in bloom. The palms face each other are open to the heavens.
Mantra: Chant Humee Hum Brahm Hum.
Many feelings will pass through you as your Heart Center strengthens and old wounds begin to melt into the sound current. It is said that once hardened parts of your heart and old defenses will begin to drop away. Trust yourself. Immerse yourself in the presence of the open heart. We are most aligned with our real Self when we have the strength to stay open and connected to all people, everything and everyone in the Universe. It is in this connectedness that we realize our uniqueness. Be real and be present as you chant and dwell in the sound current.

Continue for 31 minutes. To end, inhale, suspend the breath, and exhale. Repeat 2 more times. Sit absolutely still for one minute. Sense everything. Then move your shoulders and arms and relax.
This meditation can be found in The 21 Stages of Meditation.