Numerology Forecast for October 2024: Choose Your Battles

If you’re looking for excitement, it doesn’t get more dramatic than the month of October 2024!

Number 10 is the archetype of the King, the Queen, or the Warrior, and people will be in an “All in–I’ve Gotta Win!” stance throughout the month. If there is one piece of rock solid advice I could offer you now, it’s choose your battles wisely. Do not engage with a superior foe, and know you can live to fight another day.

In the science of Numerology the numbers are connected to the physiology of the human body. Number 10 represents the nervous system, as well as the bones and skeletal structure. You have probably heard the expression, “He’s got no backbone,” or, “Her nerves just couldn’t handle it.”

Both of these conditions directly relate to the strength and vitality of the nervous system. Let’s look at a few ways to benefit our nervous system, because you’re not only going to need it now, you’re going to need an upgrade for 2025 as well.

Number one item, ginger root. Whether in tea bags or sliced up fresh from the market, start drinking ginger tea. You can add any type of milk to help smooth out the taste, and a little sweetener if you like. Ginger is said to be good for the spinal nerves and can also aid in digestion. Strengthening the immune system is another benefit of ginger root.

Celery, whether raw, steamed, or juiced is a powerhouse of nutrition for the nervous system. Some celery can be a bit bitter, so you can always lend a spoonful of peanut butter, goat cheese, pesto, ricotta cheese, or salsa to the celery stick to help balance out the flavor. This is a great snack for children too.

Now that we are nutritionally fortified, let’s take a look at how to emotionally navigate this month. We’ll start with the sunny side of the street, before we get to the mixed martial arts element of October.

If you’ve got the energy, this is another breakthrough month for personal healing, enterprise, divine alignment, prosperity, and a final finishing touch of completion for, “You just don’t own me anymore!” Yes, all this and more is possible if you stay in alignment with a higher purpose that is synchronized with your Soul’s true essence. How do I figure out my Soul’s true essence? We’ll get to that in a little bit.

Your most excellent launch dates this month are the 9th, 11th, 18th, 20th, and 27th. All these dates have an extra spring in their step to deliver the best result.

The number 10 relates to excellence and achievement, so now is a good time to look at your life and ask the question, “Am I really where I want to be?” This can relate to career, a relationship, or just a way of being. By the way, as a counselor, I am witnessing a sharp uptick in people going through either a relationship breakup, or a total “breaking-it-down and starting from scratch” approach in order to save the relationship.

The beginning of saving the relationship can be as simple as both sides communicating their top grievance by saying out loud, “If you could just stick up for me at the family gatherings, and not cater to your judgmental parents, I think we might really have a chance here.” Or, maybe it’s something like, “You let the kids get away with murder, and I’m always the one left cleaning up the mess. I just can’t do this anymore.”

Number 10 is about getting real, so reality doesn’t kick you in the tush when you ignore all the warning signs. In the positive polarity 10 contains a conscious maturity that will guide and lead others in the right direction. People will respect you when your Radiant Body is in sparkle and shine mode. There is a gracious nobility to the number 10, our Radiant Body, which gives security to the hearts and minds of others.

Ten is a kind and benevolent ruler, having a balance of the head and the heart. The Yogis have a saying, “When the head is involved the heart must decide, and when the heart is involved the head must decide.” We must guard against being persuaded into any sort of fanatical approach to the issues of the day, as there is a lot at stake in the politics of the world right now.

Unsure of your stance in the world arena? Then ask yourself the question, “If I were a young man or woman 18 years of age, what kind of world would I want to be stepping into right now?”

Think long term for the well-being of humanity.

Now, back to the promise of figuring out your Soul’s true essence. The “Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru” mantra is the master key to liberation in the Aquarian Age. By chanting it in the Laya yoga style it establishes a link between you and the Creator, and awakens the kundalini energy. It’s all about the energy these days, and this mantra is the ultimate back-to-basics powerhouse of sparking forth a new way of being.

Sometimes in life we have the imagination that the odds are against us. It is easy to slip into a negative “David and Goliath” mentality of, “It’s just not possible, the other side is too big and powerful.”

This is an illusion, in part created to help move you past your own limitations. If you would like to see an example of little David winning against the overwhelming opposition, watch the movie “Erin Brockovich” starring Julia Roberts. Based on a true story, Erin goes to battle against a major utility company for polluting the environment and harming children. Against impossible odds she relentlessly perseveres, and just when she thinks the case is lost, a doorway of victory opens up in the most unexpected of ways. In life, remember to leave room for the magic.

A lot is at stake right now on the planet, and we cannot afford to sit this one out as a humanity. When an alcoholic is in denial, he or she states, “I don’t have a problem, you’re the problem! Stop being so sensitive—leave me alone. And turn down that damn mantra music!”

Well, this attitude won’t solve anything, and you will either need to create an intervention or bail out of the situation. Whether as an individual or collectively, we are at a breaking point for accepting the script of “This is the way it’s always been, my mother/father suffered like this, so I guess I must too.” No, you must not! Be different, vote different, and strike out a new path that declares, “The stormy seas will not deter me, I can sense the safety of the new land just beyond the horizon. Victory calls me forth!” Yes, get your All-in game on, and know that when you walk towards the Light, all the shadows fall behind you.

May the kindness of the Heavenly forces be your protector, and may the gentle whisperings of your Guardian Angel be your unwavering companion throughout the journey homeward. Peace to all, Light to all, Love to all.

Nam Hari Kaur

Would you like to know more? Nam Hari can do a personal reading for you over the phone or by Skype. The numbers of your birth date hold the answers to your life’s creative magic and inspired potential. Nam Hari specializes in the area of relationships, and by revealing the lines of energy between you and another, a new dimension of understanding is achieved. Nam Hari also offers an independent study course in the science of Numerology. Contact: Nam Hari at +1 (575) 305.0017 or [email protected].

4 responses to “Numerology Forecast for October 2024: Choose Your Battles”

  1. Thank you 🙏
    What an interesting month ahead of us, can’t wait 🥰

  2. In the October Forecast, I don’t feel any stones were left unturned as Nam Hari prepared us for October. From the nutritional information, to the blessed Ek Ong Kaur mantra, to the advice on stepping into a new reality; this forecast was powerfully and divinely inspired!

  3. Most greatfull for your monthly words Nam Hari .. always taken to heart and mind Wahe Guru

  4. So powerful and timely! All happening in the direction of my personal healing.
    Sat Nam Nami Hari 🙏🏻💙

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