Recent Karma Articles
Intuition Meditation
Intuition gives us the ability to know something directly without analytic reasoning. It bridges the gap between the conscious and unconscious parts of our mind, and also between instinct and reason.
Meditation to Change Your Destiny
This meditation brings deep relaxation, strength, and mental clarity. Also called “soul talk,” it is said to bring the experience of the soul on the spot.
Guru Kriya—Touch Every Heart
Guru Kriya calls us to dwell in compassion and make this commitment: to love with a burning fire, touching every heart. Your difficulties will wash away.
Get Rid of Your “Couldn’t”
Sometimes when we intend to do something, our ego gets the best of us and we are unable to see it through. This meditation is a tool to strengthen the clarity and positivity of our will so that the highest good of our intentions is not waylaid by circumstance. It takes away the ‘couldn’t’ and gives us our excellence.
The Divine Shield Meditation for Protection and Positivity
This meditation expands the aura using a mantra to activate the power of the Heart Center. This enables the compassion of the Universe to uplift you and creates a Divine Shield to accompany and protect you through the ups and downs of life.
Guru Gobind Singh Shakti Mantra Meditation
This is a Laya Yoga meditation. Laya Yoga is the science of relating breath, rhythm and mantra to produce altered states of consciousness. Each japa (repetition of mantra) creates tapa (psychic heat). When you rotate the breath and volume of sound properly. it creates heat that burns off karma.
Sodarshan Chakra Kriya
This is a powerful transformative meditation which is said to invoke the Kundalini energy to give you the necessary vitality and intuition to combat the negative effects of the subconscious mind.
Long Ek Ong Kars
It is said that this meditation can balance all of the chakras, open the solar plexus, liberate you from the cycle of time and karma, and unite you with the Divine.
Naadi Cleansing
This pranayama is a classical technique, which is referred to in the Gheranda Samhita as a “perfect cleanser.” It is a purifying practice which, if done as a regular sadhana, burns the karmas of many lifetimes. The karmas are coded in the structure of the aura, the flow patterns of the subtle nadis, and in the deep structure of the mental body.
Meditation for the Arcline and to Clear the Karmas
This meditation is for the arcline and to clear the karma that has been stocked up in it.