Recent Calming Articles (Page 2)
Kriya to Relax and Release Fear
This kriya helps you relax. When you are relaxed, you can access the neutral mind, and assess your situation without fear or other reactive emotions. It is cleansing and uplifting.
Meditation for a Stable Self
This meditation works to remove our knee-jerk fear reactions and make us steady.
Mahan Giaan Mudra
This meditation is said to bring the realm of thoughtlessness quickly. It brings the awareness that redemption is not necessary; we are already redeemed. When we experience inner calm, it leads to the experience of the entire universe, and nature serves us in harmony.
The 8 Stroke Breath for Energy and Stress Release
This pranayama brings your focus back to the breath. It is said that practicing it every evening for 11 minutes can restore the prana you have consumed throughout the day, and move you from stress to rejuvenation.
The One Minute Breath
The One Minute Breath is a powerful technique that has been used to calm anxiety, worry, and fear, and to develop intuition.
Meditation to Tranquilize the Mind
This meditation can bring tranquility to the mind in a very short time. The hand position is called “the mudra which pleases the mind.” Supposedly, Buddha gave it to his disciples for control of the mind.
The Ancient Way of Prayer
This is a powerful way to go deep within yourself. Listen silently to the beat of your heart, which chants ‘Thou, Thou, Thou.’ Meditate on the beautiful, rhythmic beat.
Meditation for Dealing with Your Own Mind
In this kriya, you breathe exclusively through the left nostril, which calms the nervous system, supports the heart, and begins to move you from a mindset of reactivity to positivity.
Kriya to Withstand the Pressure of Time
This kriya is a physical and energetic set designed to strengthen the nervous system. It’s a lively workout to leave you relaxed and renewed. It works through a combination of active, repetitive movements and deep breath. It also works on two common problems in Western culture: locked pelvis and locked shoulders.
Shabad Kriya for Deep, Relaxing Sleep
This kriya, when practiced regularly, promotes deep, relaxed sleep and helps the nerves to regenerate. The best time to practice is every night before bed, but it can be practiced any time of the day.