Recent Chakras Articles (Page 2)

Long Ek Ong Kars

It is said that this meditation can balance all of the chakras, open the solar plexus, liberate you from the cycle of time and karma, and unite you with the Divine. 

Read: Long Ek Ong Kars

Meditation for the Seventh and Eighth Chakras

This meditation exalts the intuition. The Seventh Chakra represents humility and vastness, the tenth gate, the seat of the soul, the connection to the highest self, elevation. The Eighth Chakra represents radiance, the electromagnetic field, protection, and combines the effects of all the chakras.

Read: Meditation for the Seventh and Eighth Chakras

Experience Your Own Soul Blessing You with Prosperity

It is said that this meditation will elevate your energy so strongly that you can experience your own soul blessing you with prosperity.

Read: Experience Your Own Soul Blessing You with Prosperity

Raja Yoga Meditation for Tapa

The power of this set depends on the mental focus of the pranic energy channeled by the breath. Once the energy is raised, the finite consciousness can fly into the sense of infinity, which is the basic need and heritage of the soul.

Read: Raja Yoga Meditation for Tapa

Kriya for Elevation

This easy set of exercises is excellent as a tune-up. It systematically exercises the spine and aids in the circulation of prana to balance the chakras.

Read: Kriya for Elevation

Purifying the Self

This kriya energizes you and helps purify the mind and body. The exercise sequence guides energy up along the spine, opens the chakras and then expands the aura.

Read: Purifying the Self

Kriya for Lower Spine and Elimination

This kriya gives flexibility of the spine and improves the power of digestion and elimination of waste and toxins. This is not a beginner’s set; you need some flexibility to do it well.

Read: Kriya for Lower Spine and Elimination

Stimulate Your Chakra System and Feel Wonderful

This kriya is for handling the pressures of the Information Age. As you do the posture, your breathing will change. Use your breath, the energy of prana, to carry you through.

Read: Stimulate Your Chakra System and Feel Wonderful

Kriya for Balancing the Aura

This kriya builds all the chakras and the radiance of the aura. It is the kind of kriya you can master gradually and that becomes increasingly delightful as your aura expands.

Read: Kriya for Balancing the Aura

Meditation for the Fifth Chakra

The Fifth Chakra represents the projective power of the word. It gives the power to hear and speak truth. This meditation heals your Throat Chakra so that it can function optimally.

Read: Meditation for the Fifth Chakra