Recent Cleansing and elimination Articles (Page 2)

Kriya for Clarity of Thought and Expanding Lung Capacity

This kriya expands and purifies the lungs. The greater the lung capacity, the greater the intake of oxygen, which cleans the blood, strengthens immunity, and allows for greater disease resistance.

Read: Kriya for Clarity of Thought and Expanding Lung Capacity

Kriya to Make You Enchantingly Beautiful

Beauty is a radiance of soul that shines through the physical appearance and beyond. This series is meant to elevate you and gives you a new inflow of energy.

Read: Kriya to Make You Enchantingly Beautiful

Keeping the Body Beautiful

This kriya, which contains a slight variation of the standard Frog Pose, is very powerful. You must keep the chin locked in. It re-adjusts the sex energy and the balance of prana and apana. It is good for digestion and brings circulation to the head. If done with powerful breaths, it will make you sweat quickly.

Read: Keeping the Body Beautiful
Kriya for Inner and Outer Vision

Khyan Karab Kriya 1

This meditation is said to keep the body young and strong, and the mind fresh and sharp.

Read: Khyan Karab Kriya 1

Kriya for Self-Reliance

Self-reliance will vanish all fear. Fear comes when you are dependent on anything other than your own inner wisdom and higher self. If your self-reliance is strong, you are protected.

Read: Kriya for Self-Reliance

Nabhi Kriya for Digestion

To stimulate good digestion and improve concentration, the Navel Point must be stimulated and the energy distributed through the two main naadis that pass on either side of the Navel Point. All the facets of this kriya do this.

Read: Nabhi Kriya for Digestion

Naadi Cleansing

This pranayama is a classical technique, which is referred to in the Gheranda Samhita as a “perfect cleanser.” It is a purifying practice which, if done as a regular sadhana, burns the karmas of many lifetimes. The karmas are coded in the structure of the aura, the flow patterns of the subtle nadis, and in the deep structure of the mental body.

Read: Naadi Cleansing

Self-Care Breath Kriya

This self-care breath increases inner energy and strength, boosts the immune system, and cleanses the body.

Read: Self-Care Breath Kriya

Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskara)

This is an excellent warm-up exercise before a kriya, and is beneficial as an exercise in its own right. It increases cardiac activity and circulation, stretches and bends the spine, massages the inner organs, aids the digestive system, exercises the lungs, and oxygenates the blood.

Read: Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskara)

Kriya for Disease Resistance

To avoid persistent colds and illness, it is essential to keep digestion and elimination functioning well. Add to this a strong metabolic balance and you will have heartiness. This kriya develops these capacities. It gives physical strength and builds disease resistance.

Read: Kriya for Disease Resistance