
Recent Relaxation Articles (Page 2)

Kriya to Withstand the Pressure of Time

This kriya is a physical and energetic set designed to strengthen the nervous system. It’s a lively workout to leave you relaxed and renewed. It works through a combination of active, repetitive movements and deep breath. It also works on two common problems in Western culture: locked pelvis and locked shoulders.

Read: Kriya to Withstand the Pressure of Time
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The Last Resort Meditation

The meditation brings relaxation, strength, and mental clarity. The mantra works to dissolve anger, negativity, and to position ourselves for victory and the right to excel.

Read: The Last Resort Meditation

Sat Kriya

Sat Kriya strengthens the entire sexual system and stimulates its natural flow of energy. It allows you to control the insistent sexual impulse by re-channelizing sexual energy to creative and healing activities in the body.

Read: Sat Kriya

The 7 Wave Sat Nam Meditation

This meditation makes a good introduction to Kundalini Yoga, and will open the mind to a new experience. For more experienced practitioners, it can also help you to feel calm, relaxed, and mellow, and is also a good way to clear off the effects of a hurried day before beginning another deep meditation.

Read: The 7 Wave Sat Nam Meditation

Movement Relaxation Series

This is a very beautiful movement meditation that will assist in the relaxation of your body and mind. It is important for us to deeply relax on a daily basis. Stress which builds up can cause physical and mental imbalances and this short yoga set is a beautiful way to release tension in the mind and body.

Read: Movement Relaxation Series

Charan Japa: Nourishing the Soul of the Unborn Child

Charan Japa is a walking meditation. The simple, age-old method is designed to create a rhythm and a frequency between partners.

Read: Charan Japa: Nourishing the Soul of the Unborn Child

Be Open, Honest, Relaxed, and Caring

This kriya uses a Jupiter Mudra and a cleansing mouth breath to expel toxins from the body. It’s designed to help us remain open, honest, relaxed, and caring despite the pressures of the times.

Read: Be Open, Honest, Relaxed, and Caring

Meditation to Heal a Broken Heart

To heal the emotional wounds of the heart, we need to bring calm to the nerves that hold the wound. A break in relationship (to others or to our Self) has almost identical reactions in the nervous system and brain as a physical injury or loss of limb.

Read: Meditation to Heal a Broken Heart

Guru Mantra: Deep Meditation into Thoughtlessness

The Guru Mantra meditation is a very quick way of achieving a state of thoughtlessness. the constant flow of the intellect stops.

Read: Guru Mantra: Deep Meditation into Thoughtlessness

Kriya for Energy & Rejuvenation

This kriya addresses issues specifically related to strengthening one’s capacity to endure. It builds stamina, courage and strength, physically, mentally and spiritually so that you can meet the challenges of the new Age with grace and vitality.

Read: Kriya for Energy & Rejuvenation