Recent Sweat Articles (Page 2)

Truth and Oneness Kriya

The antidote for the violence, polarization, and widespread perception of “other” is to anchor ourselves in self-love. True love of the self imparts a deep love for others and compassion that arises from recognizing the other as you. 

Read: Truth and Oneness Kriya

Massage for the Lymphatic System

It is important to keep the lymphatic system healthy in order to release grief and stay well.

Read: Massage for the Lymphatic System

Kriya for the Magnetic Field and Heart Center

This set will balance the blood and works on coordination and repair of the nervous system by stimulating the Heart Center.

Read: Kriya for the Magnetic Field and Heart Center
Yogi Philosophy

A Short and Sweet Kriya to Get the Energy Moving

This is a simple set of exercises. It makes the back feel great and gets the ener­gy moving. It is a good series to do after you wake up in the morning or before bed at night. It is also a good series to do before a longer meditation or meditative kriya.

Read: A Short and Sweet Kriya to Get the Energy Moving
Elevate Spirit

Challenge the Ego in You

Once you see 108 Frog Poses, your ego might want to pass on this kriya. Challenge yourself but don’t overdue it to the extent that you can’t walk the next day! This one will make you sweat.

Read: Challenge the Ego in You

Body Adjustment to Elevate the Spirit

The whole body structure is responsible for one’s elevation, for one’s “being-ness.” A car has its gas, it has transmission, and it starts. If one part is missing, or if just a little air does not get to the gas, it dies. It is the same with the body.

Read: Body Adjustment to Elevate the Spirit

Foundation for Infinity

To reach the subtle realm of ether where we are by nature boundless, we must first set a firm foundation on the Earth. Practicing this kriya is a means of setting that foundation. Then the meditation launches you into the realms of Infinity.

Read: Foundation for Infinity

Strengthening the Aura

This is a great kriya for developing your aura and helping keep disease away. It can relieve many digestive problems, gives strength to the arms, and extends the power of protection and projection in the personality. 

Read: Strengthening the Aura

Kriya for the Heart

Kundalini kriyas for the heart work on both the physical heart and the heart center. Try this 7-part kriya and strengthen and open your heart.

Read: Kriya for the Heart

Kriya for Lower Spine and Elimination

This kriya gives flexibility of the spine and improves the power of digestion and elimination of waste and toxins. This is not a beginner’s set; you need some flexibility to do it well.

Read: Kriya for Lower Spine and Elimination