Recent Aura Articles (Page 3)

Meditation for the Seventh and Eighth Chakras

This meditation exalts the intuition. The Seventh Chakra represents humility and vastness, the tenth gate, the seat of the soul, the connection to the highest self, elevation. The Eighth Chakra represents radiance, the electromagnetic field, protection, and combines the effects of all the chakras.

Read: Meditation for the Seventh and Eighth Chakras

Earthquake Meditation: When You’ve Lost Your Ground

This meditation resets our brain after a shock—especially those that rapidly shift our magnetic field. It quells our emotional reactions to change. It is an “earthquake meditation” for actual earthquakes and for the sudden shocks that happen in all aspects of our lives.

Read: Earthquake Meditation: When You’ve Lost Your Ground

Pranayama to Balance Mental Energy I

The radiance and beauty of a person depends on the clarity and shine of his circumvent force field, which in turn depends on the balance of energy in the left (moon) and right (sun) sides of the body. This pranayam creates this balance and allows the mind to rid itself of doubts.

Read: Pranayama to Balance Mental Energy I
Cultivate Compassion

Meditation for Protection and Projection from the Heart

The Mangala Charan Mantra surrounds the magnetic field with protective light. It is said that this meditation can give you an enchanting, magnetic personality. It is recommended to master the 5th of the ten bodies, the physical body.

Read: Meditation for Protection and Projection from the Heart

Kriya for Elevation

This easy set of exercises is excellent as a tune-up. It systematically exercises the spine and aids in the circulation of prana to balance the chakras.

Read: Kriya for Elevation

Strengthening the Aura

This is a great kriya for developing your aura and helping keep disease away. It can relieve many digestive problems, gives strength to the arms, and extends the power of protection and projection in the personality. 

Read: Strengthening the Aura

Purifying the Self

This kriya energizes you and helps purify the mind and body. The exercise sequence guides energy up along the spine, opens the chakras and then expands the aura.

Read: Purifying the Self

Laya Yoga Kriya for Intuition & the Power to Heal

This mantra takes you to the most subtle realm of creativity. It awakens the Kundalini force that energizes the whole Creation. It awakens your awareness and empowers you to sense your subtle body of the aura. The practice of the meditation gives you intuition and the power to heal.

Read: Laya Yoga Kriya for Intuition & the Power to Heal

Working the Total Self

This set is a complete workout of the self.

Read: Working the Total Self

Nabhi Kriya

Nabhi refers to the nerve plexus around the navel point. This set focuses on developing the strength of the navel point. This kriya will get the abdominal area in shape very quickly and activate the power of the Third Chakra.

Read: Nabhi Kriya