Recent Calming Articles (Page 3)

Guru Gobind Singh Shakti Mantra Meditation
This is a Laya Yoga meditation. Laya Yoga is the science of relating breath, rhythm and mantra to produce altered states of consciousness. Each japa (repetition of mantra) creates tapa (psychic heat). When you rotate the breath and volume of sound properly. it creates heat that burns off karma.
Read: Guru Gobind Singh Shakti Mantra Meditation
The 7 Wave Sat Nam Meditation
This meditation makes a good introduction to Kundalini Yoga, and will open the mind to a new experience. For more experienced practitioners, it can also help you to feel calm, relaxed, and mellow, and is also a good way to clear off the effects of a hurried day before beginning another deep meditation.
Read: The 7 Wave Sat Nam Meditation
Movement Relaxation Series
This is a very beautiful movement meditation that will assist in the relaxation of your body and mind. It is important for us to deeply relax on a daily basis. Stress which builds up can cause physical and mental imbalances and this short yoga set is a beautiful way to release tension in the mind and body.
Read: Movement Relaxation Series
Meditation to Alleviate Your Stress
Practice the Meditation to Alleviate your Stress in the evening to wash the stress from your body and your aura. Use it to reclaim yourself, quiet the mind’s noise, and open into profound stillness.
Read: Meditation to Alleviate Your Stress
Meditation to Make an Angry Person Calm and Gentle
Anger is an agni granthi – it’s fire. And without fire, there is no heat. Without heat, there’s no transformation: no blood circulation, no food digestion, no spiritual awakening. This meditation adjusts the electromagnetic field of the brain and brings neutrality.
Read: Meditation to Make an Angry Person Calm and Gentle
Pulse Meditation
This is a good meditation to help you get in touch with the inner self. It will also help if you are scattered and want to settle down, or if you are already quiet and want to go deep into the core of yourself. It’s a good meditation for beginners and to develop the ability of concentration in action. It allows you to control your reaction to any situation and can bring sweetness and one-pointedness to the most scattered mind.
Read: Pulse Meditation
Meditation to Heal a Broken Heart
To heal the emotional wounds of the heart, we need to bring calm to the nerves that hold the wound. A break in relationship (to others or to our Self) has almost identical reactions in the nervous system and brain as a physical injury or loss of limb.
Read: Meditation to Heal a Broken Heart
Guru Mantra: Deep Meditation into Thoughtlessness
The Guru Mantra meditation is a very quick way of achieving a state of thoughtlessness. the constant flow of the intellect stops.
Read: Guru Mantra: Deep Meditation into Thoughtlessness
Wahe Guru Kriya for Nervous Balance
This powerful meditation is said to strengthen your nervous system, expand your intuitive sense, and make the mind clear and decisive. It helps you have the strength to act on your ideals, and to consciously direct yourself.
Read: Wahe Guru Kriya for Nervous Balance
I Am Happy’ Meditation for Children
This meditation was given specifically for children to use in times when their parents are fighting and going through a crisis—to give them the experience of remaining stable and unaffected.
Read: I Am Happy’ Meditation for Children