Recent Mantra Articles (Page 3)
Meditation for Peace
The Meditation for Peace was given to create a state of peace on planet Earth among all people, religions, and nationalities.
Chii-a Kriya: Surround Yourself with Protection
This meditation is an experience of the six “unchangeable sounds:” Har, Hare, Haree, Wa, He, Guru. They are associated with the six directions: east, west, north, south, up, and down.
Bowing Jaap Sahib
This kriya is based on Jaap Sahib, a prayer by Guru Gobind Singh, who was the 10th Sikh Guru. It brings sensitivity, creativity, and intuition, and has the capacity to take you beyond the pains of life.
Shabad Kriya for Deep, Relaxing Sleep
This kriya, when practiced regularly, promotes deep, relaxed sleep and helps the nerves to regenerate. The best time to practice is every night before bed, but it can be practiced any time of the day.
The Divine Shield Meditation for Protection and Positivity
This meditation expands the aura using a mantra to activate the power of the Heart Center. This enables the compassion of the Universe to uplift you and creates a Divine Shield to accompany and protect you through the ups and downs of life.
Meditation to Develop a Mature, Elevated Caliber
This meditation will develop in you a mature, elevated caliber of endurance, courage, and patience. Caliber is the capacity of an individual to identify the inner self; to communicate and project one’s identity.
Guru Gobind Singh Shakti Mantra Meditation
This is a Laya Yoga meditation. Laya Yoga is the science of relating breath, rhythm and mantra to produce altered states of consciousness. Each japa (repetition of mantra) creates tapa (psychic heat). When you rotate the breath and volume of sound properly. it creates heat that burns off karma.
Master’s Touch Meditation
This is a particularly potent kriya, powerful in its ability to break through negative blocks and connect you to your highest truth, the Master within.
The 7 Wave Sat Nam Meditation
This meditation makes a good introduction to Kundalini Yoga, and will open the mind to a new experience. For more experienced practitioners, it can also help you to feel calm, relaxed, and mellow, and is also a good way to clear off the effects of a hurried day before beginning another deep meditation.
The Master Key Meditation: Ek Ong Kaar Sat Gur Prasaad
This mantra is known as the Siri Mantra or the Magic Mantra. It is considered a master key to the Cosmos, which opens the way forward when you are stuck, brings great intuition, and removes negativity.