Recent Physical Body Articles (Page 3)

Aerobic Capacity & Efficiency Kriya

Disease develops when the body gets less oxygen, eliminates less waste, and the brain, organs, and glands decrease their functioning. This kriya helps to prevent that breakdown, and maintains your vital capacity as you age.

Read: Aerobic Capacity & Efficiency Kriya

Adjust Your Flow – The Four U’s

This set invigorates you by adjusting your Pranic Body with your Auric Body. These postures are called the 4 U’s and they are “for you.” They set the nervous system to withstand the pressures of society and challenges of the times.

Read: Adjust Your Flow – The Four U’s

Kriya to Make Your Skin Radiant

This kriya works to improve the skin by removing the effects of long-term anger and stress through adjustment of the metabolism.

Read: Kriya to Make Your Skin Radiant
Yogi Philosophy

A Short and Sweet Kriya to Get the Energy Moving

This is a simple set of exercises. It makes the back feel great and gets the ener­gy moving. It is a good series to do after you wake up in the morning or before bed at night. It is also a good series to do before a longer meditation or meditative kriya.

Read: A Short and Sweet Kriya to Get the Energy Moving

Body Adjustment to Elevate the Spirit

The whole body structure is responsible for one’s elevation, for one’s “being-ness.” A car has its gas, it has transmission, and it starts. If one part is missing, or if just a little air does not get to the gas, it dies. It is the same with the body.

Read: Body Adjustment to Elevate the Spirit

Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskara)

This is an excellent warm-up exercise before a kriya, and is beneficial as an exercise in its own right. It increases cardiac activity and circulation, stretches and bends the spine, massages the inner organs, aids the digestive system, exercises the lungs, and oxygenates the blood.

Read: Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskara)

Kriya for Disease Resistance

To avoid persistent colds and illness, it is essential to keep digestion and elimination functioning well. Add to this a strong metabolic balance and you will have heartiness. This kriya develops these capacities. It gives physical strength and builds disease resistance.

Read: Kriya for Disease Resistance

Set for the Nervous System and Glandular Balance

This kriya is for reducing stress and fortifying the mind and body to effectively respond to change in a healthy way.

Read: Set for the Nervous System and Glandular Balance

Foundation for Infinity

To reach the subtle realm of ether where we are by nature boundless, we must first set a firm foundation on the Earth. Practicing this kriya is a means of setting that foundation. Then the meditation launches you into the realms of Infinity.

Read: Foundation for Infinity
Cultivate Compassion

Meditation for Protection and Projection from the Heart

The Mangala Charan Mantra surrounds the magnetic field with protective light. It is said that this meditation can give you an enchanting, magnetic personality. It is recommended to master the 5th of the ten bodies, the physical body.

Read: Meditation for Protection and Projection from the Heart