Recent Pranic Body Articles (Page 3)

Raja Yoga Meditation for Tapa

The power of this set depends on the mental focus of the pranic energy channeled by the breath. Once the energy is raised, the finite consciousness can fly into the sense of infinity, which is the basic need and heritage of the soul.

Read: Raja Yoga Meditation for Tapa

Increasing the Power of Your Word in Prayer

This meditation increases the power of your word to use in prayer. The navel and the tip of the tongue have to be one for effective prayer. Your words become pure and prana-filled with this practice.

Read: Increasing the Power of Your Word in Prayer

Healing Hands

Would you like to increase the kindness and effectiveness of your healing touch? Here’s a simple routine you can practice that brings more prana into your hands.

Read: Healing Hands

The Navel Center and Elimination

This kriya works out the entire elimination system. In our modern life style, we seldom walk or exercise the body enough to promote good elimination through the bowels.

Read: The Navel Center and Elimination

Stimulate Your Chakra System and Feel Wonderful

This kriya is for handling the pressures of the Information Age. As you do the posture, your breathing will change. Use your breath, the energy of prana, to carry you through.

Read: Stimulate Your Chakra System and Feel Wonderful

The Essence of Self

The exercises in this kriya are for the release of tension, strengthening the digestion, and opening the lungs. If you are new to Kundalini Yoga, you may want to rest after each exercise unless otherwise noted.

Read: The Essence of Self

Kriya for Emotional Balance

Here is one simple yogic technique for emotional balance you can do most anywhere.

Read: Kriya for Emotional Balance

Parasympathetic Rejuvenation Meditation with the Gong

Surrender the mind and body. The sound of the gong will carry you beyond all fears. The pressure will release the nervous system from many illnesses. Feel yourself ride the sound into the Infinite itself.

Read: Parasympathetic Rejuvenation Meditation with the Gong