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Numerology for June 2023: Time to Clarify

Visioning your life now as a creative, joyful, and emotionally fulfilled human being is a strong power point for change and evolution. It all begins somewhere, and that somewhere is You in your divine essence, moving forward as a beacon of light.

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Trauma, Our Children, Yoga, and Creating Promising Memories

The U.S. Department of Education is calling for the integration of “calming strategies.” we are reaching out to the 3HO community to enlist your help to consider how you could approach local schools to offer your services. We want to see Kundalini Yoga in schools for students and staff.

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The 10th Body: The Radiant Body

The Radiant Body is our source of divine beauty, which goes well beyond physical appearance. It can be sensed as a strong, bright, powerfully confident presence. Our Radiant Body is our protection; but it is also our projection of royal courage, grace, and a willingness to be of service to others.

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The 9th Body: The Subtle Body

The Subtle Body is your greatest friend and ally, as it can immediately decipher the surroundings and let you know the most protected path of action. A strong Subtle Body gives you the ability to walk into a room and intuitively know what’s going on around you.

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The 8th Body: The Pranic Body

The Pranic Body is what controls the breath and takes in Prana, the vital force that energizes the mind, body, and consciousness. When you breathe, you are feeding your Pranic Body.

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The 7th Body: The Aura

The Seventh Body is the Aura, the electromagnetic field that surrounds us up to nine feet in every direction. When your Aura is weak, you seem vulnerable to everything that passes by or through you. When your Aura is strong, negative influences are automatically filtered out.

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The 6th Body: The Arcline

The sixth body, the Arcline, extends across the hairline and brow from ear to ear. It’s known as your halo. A strong Arcline gives you a good ability to focus, concentrate, and meditate. You are protected by your intuition and have an appreciation of family, beauty, a keen sense of justice and fair play,

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The 5th Body: The Physical Body

The Physical Body could be said to be the sacred, living, human form that houses the soul, through which enlightenment and service to humanity are manifested. The key to perfecting this body is balance—balance in body and mind, balance in diet and exercise, balance in play, work, and rest.

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