Program Overview

Program Overview



Overview of Daily Program by Date

June 14, 2024 – Arrival and Check-In Begins

Please coordinate your travel schedule to arrive no earlier than June 14. Registration/Check-in will be open from 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The luggage shuttle will be operating on that day. There will be plenty of time to set up your camping area at Guru Ram Das Puri. Dinner will be the first community meal served.

June 15, 2024 – International Peace Prayer Day

Now more than ever, spiritual communities can gather and pray for Peace. A celebration of music, dance and prayers for peace. Bathe your spirit in the Sacred Healing Walk, live world music and kirtan, dancing, meditation, prayers for peace, and much more.

Peace Prayer Day is an annual, free event that is open to all. Please join us and bring your friends for the healing walk in the morning, lunch, and healing activities in the afternoon.

June 16-17, 2024 – Kundalini Yoga and Meditation

Many workshops and classes offerings for self-knowledge and healing focusing on various aspects of Kundalini Yoga. Class descriptions and teachers will be available online soon!

June 18-20, 2024 – White Tantric Yoga®

White Tantric Yoga® is a powerful meditation practice that clears the subconscious mind allowing prosperity, success, and happiness to flow freely into your life. It is an ancient and unique yogic technology that accelerates psychological growth by dissolving deep-rooted blocks.

June 21, 2024 – Kundalini Yoga and Meditation

Many workshops and classes offerings for self-knowledge and healing focusing on various aspects of Kundalini Yoga. Class descriptions and teachers will be available online soon!

June 22, 2024 – Departure Day

Please coordinate your travel plans to depart Ram Das Puri by 12:00 pm. There are no facilities to accommodate Solstice participants after noon on this day.


More About Our Program

What is Group Sadhana?

Morning sadhana is a foundation of the Kundalini Yoga experience. Each morning, we begin at 3:40 am with Japji (prayer reading), followed by 45 minutes of Kundalini Yoga, and 62 minutes of meditation to live music. You will encounter your essence in group Sadhana, and facilitate self-healing and transformation.


“Gurdwara” means “gateway” or “door” to the Guru and refers to a place that houses the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, the Living Guru of Sikh Dharma. All are welcome to participate in the Gurdwara ceremony. Gurdwara may seem like it is “mostly for Sikhs,” but really, it is for everyone so that we can each recognize the mastery of the inner Self. When each of us comes to bow before the Guru, the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, we are simply bowing to that brightest divine light within ourselves.

A short Gurdwara service is held each day at the end of morning sadhana. We can all experience the naad (sacred sound current) at morning Sadhana and Gurdwara. Morning sadhana and Gurdwara are a celebration of love for the Divine Self that we can all share together. Gurdwara is a unique and powerful devotional service that uses the technology of the Shabd Guru and the sound current of the Naad to connect the individual to the Infinite. Through the sacred sound current, prayer, and prasad (sharing food that has been blessed), our spirits are uplifted and we gain the experience of the Infinite.

We approach the Gurdwara with reverence. Remove your shoes and cover your head. Participants bow and give a donation before the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. Although a donation is not required, it reflects an exchange of energy.

Bowing at the Feet of the Guru: We bow our forehead to the ground before the Siri Guru Granth Sahib as an act of humility and reverence, acknowledging that there is an Infinite Power which pervades all.

The Gurdwara Service: The Gurdwara service is a joyous mixture of Kirtan—devotional music and singing in praise of God, and traditional Sikh prayers. Everyone is welcome to join in and sing and meditate together. Following Kirtan are the Anand Sahib (the song of joy and ecstasy), Ardas (our group prayer and projection for the day), and Hukam (an inspired selection from the Siri Guru Granth Sahib). To conclude, Prasad—a sweet made from honey, ghee, water, and flour is served. Then Gurdwara ends and Langar is served.

For more information about Sikh Dharma and Gurdwara, click here.

Sacred Music

Music, kirtan, and chanting are a big part of the Summer Solstice experience. We are blessed to have talented, inspiring, devoted musicians to lead us in kirtan, chanting, and sadhana music as our souls connect with the Infinite sound current.

Early Morning Sadhana includes live music for 6 of the 7 meditations in the Aquarian Sadhana. Each year we rotate musicians so a wide variety of wonderful 3HO music is heard. Many musicians have produced Sadhana music albums that can be purchased.

Many of the classes and workshops feature live music, and there are music evenings as well. Bring your voice and be ready to chant with joy!