Service Exchange

Service Exchange

3HO International’s Solstices could not happen without Service Exchange participants. We are a community event generated by the people and for the people. The success of the event depends on each person’s dedication and commitment to doing seva (selfless service). One of the most exciting rewards of Solstice is the opportunity to co-create the event through daily participation at every level. Our interdependence creates a sense of intimacy that adds depth and meaning to everything we do at Solstice.

As a Solstice Service Exchange Team member your principal commitment is to make your service area successful. As a member of the team, you will generally serve approximately 5-6 hours a day in your service area but may serve more. In return, 3HO will offer you a discounted ticket to attend Solstice. For information about onsite accommodations, visit our Travel/Stay page here.

Being accepted on a Service Exchange Team means that you will pay a reduced registration rate of $400 if you register by Friday, May 31.
The reduced registration rate will increase to $425 if you register on or after June 1.

As a Service Exchange member, know that your contribution allows the festival to be available at a ticket price below $1,000; with reduced prices for international attendees, students, parents, and seniors; and with the ability to offer scholarship opportunities. Without the help of volunteers, the retail prices of this event would continue to climb steeply every year and would be well over $1,500 per person. 
3HO International thanks every person who does karma yoga, service exchange and our service area managers. It is your seva and volunteer work that brings the mission of the uplifting experience of Kundalini Yoga and meditation to humankind.

Arrival and Departure Info

Service Exchange members arrive by 6pm on Wednesday, June 12 in order to be ready to serve starting on Thursday, June 13.

Managers arrive by Tuesday, June 11 by 6pm to be ready to start setting up their areas on Wednesday, June 12. 


  • Set-up/Breakdown Crew arrives on Thursday, June 6 to start work on Friday, June 7.
  • Admin, Gatekeepers, and Luggage arrive by 6pm on Tuesday, June 11, to start on Wednesday, June 12 at 9am

Service Exchange Registration Rates

Service Exchanges attend solstice at the reduced rate of $400, in recognition of the seva they do to help Solstice be successful. These are the other teams that have different pricing to meet the extended time of service and more challenging work.  

  1. Set-up/Breakdown Crew: Full Exchange ($0)
  2. Gatekeepers: Full Exchange ($0)
  3. Green & Clean Team: $200 
  4. Security: $200 
  5. Kitchen Clean-Up: $200 (Please apply for the kitchen team and mark Kitchen Clean-Up as your preference.)

Managers pay a rate of $100, Assistant Managers a rate of $200

Service exchange applications are open! Scroll down for more details.

Service Area Managers

If you are a seasoned Solstice sevadar who’d like to be considered for an area manager position, we’d like to hear from you!

Managers should be practical and willing to give their time as leaders to accomplish the tasks required to keep the camp running. Ideal candidates will have extensive experience serving at Solstices, ideally in the area where we have a need.

Service Area Managers are Service Exchange participants interested in taking their service experience to the next level.

You should be an accomplished Service Exchange participant who is interested in making a long-term commitment to Solstice. A Service Area Manager’s service commitment includes, but is not limited to:

  • Daily Managers Meetings
  • Preparation for Solstice throughout the year
  • Helping to recruit Service Exchange members and outlining your Karma Yoga needs prior to Solstice
  • Managing your Service Exchange members and Karma Yogis at Solstice
  • Leading your Service Exchange members and Karma Yoga team in the daily meditation and check-in onsite

A Service Area Manager’s time commitment varies more than a regular participant. A manager has to make the schedule and oversee their team, so their hours are not as regular. Expect to serve between eight and ten hours per day during the event.


Service Exchange: General Team Opportunities

Admin Team

The Admin Team weaves the web that holds Solstice together. You work closely with the 3HO Events Manager and Event Director, supporting all aspects of camp. You take care of all other service exchange teams! From handling logistics and managing vehicles to creating shopping lists and coordinating purchase runs, you have a hand in it all. This is a fun and rewarding team to serve on.

Arrival on Tuesday June 11th
Start serving on Wednesday, June 12th
Serve until noon on Saturday, June 22nd


Audio-Visual Team

First consideration will be given to those souls who have previously attended the Summer Solstice. The sacred sound current is one of the most critical aspects of a successful Solstice. From morning sadhana to the evening program, the community relies on the heroes of the Sound team to manage all of our audio and video needs in a conscious and professional way.

Arrival on Wednesday June 12th
Start serving on Thursday, June 13th
Serve until noon on Saturday, June 22nd


First Aid Team

Camping in the high desert can result in some physical challenges. Our First Aid team serves these challenges with a graceful and compassionate approach to healing. The First Aid team has clinical and licensed personnel on site as well as volunteers equipped to tend to basic first aid. Any patients in need beyond first aid can be taken to the hospital, office, or clinic.

This team welcomes people with both medical/healing and non-medical backgrounds to serve in different capacities. Non-medical team members serve as greeters, maintain the self-help station, keep first aid clean and tidy, organize and inventory supplies, and help set-up/break-down the area. 

This team requires grounded, calm and friendly non-medical people to receive people and help get them the care that they need, whether it’s using the self-serve station, getting a doctor evaluation, or addressing some other issue. Some people will also serve as on-call transportation staff in the event of a medical emergency. 

Arrival on Wednesday June 12th
Start serving on Thursday, June 13th
Serve until noon on Saturday, June 22nd



You are the first person people will see as they come into camp! This team will be responsible for welcoming people into camp and screening registration status. Our gatekeepers help direct new arrivals, check badges, and record car information as people leave and enter camp. Gatekeepers receive a full event exchange.

Arrival on Tuesday June 11th
Start serving on Wednesday, June 12th
Serve until noon on Saturday, June 22nd


Green and Clean Team

As a member of the Green Team, you will work to facilitate the removal of all the recycling, trash and compost we make around camp. This is a fun area for those who are passionate about sustainability and educating camp members about the different trash options that are present at camp. If you like to do physical work and don’t mind getting a little dirty, this seva is for you.

Arrival on Wednesday June 12th
Start serving on Thursday, June 13th
Serve until noon on Saturday, June 22nd


Gurdwara Team

This team is full! No longer accepting applications. Gurdwara is a special place that holds a high vibration of prayer for the whole event. It’s where everyone gathers after sadhana to ground the shakti energy of Kundalini Yoga with prayer and devotional singing.

Serving in this area requires some knowledge of Gurdwara protocol and Sikh Dharma terms and practices.

The Gurdwara team sets up and breaks down the area, runs Morning Gurdwara, the Sahej Path, Kirtan programs, and shares knowledge of Sikhi and Gurdwara with new attendees.

Arrival on Wednesday June 12th
Start serving on Thursday, June 13th
Serve until noon on Saturday, June 22nd

Hospitality Team

The Hospitality Team is a visible presence in the center of camp that serves as a practical “guest services” area, and is a place to go if people need more emotional support. This team requires previous attendance at Solstice, to be able to get people the information they need or point them in the right direction. 

Arrival on Wednesday June 12th
Start serving on Thursday, June 13th
Serve until noon on Saturday, June 22nd


Hydration/Watermelon Team

Altitude and a dry climate are conditions that make for very thirsty beings so help quench their thirst and keep them happy, healthy, holy and hydrated. Cut and serve watermelon for participants every afternoon.

Arrival on Wednesday June 12th
Start serving on Thursday, June 13th
Serve until noon on Saturday, June 22nd


Kitchen Team

Do you enjoy working in a fast-paced kitchen setting and preparing food? We have multiple Kitchen Service Exchange teams at Solstice, including:

  • Breakfast Team: This team prepares our warm, nourishing breakfast soup and the oatmeal for kids and those with dietary restrictions.
  • Lunch Team: Prepare our delicious lunch! Expect to serve in the morning until lunch gets served.
  • Dinner Team (Mung Beans and Rice): This team preps and cooks the mung beans and rice for each dinner.
  • Dinner Team (Sides and Salads): Make our Solstice Salad, carrots and beets!
  • Children’s Food: This team prepares all the food for children ages 0-17. In addition to the camp breakfast and dinner meals, special consideration is provided to children, and nursing mothers for delicious vegetarian snacks and special lunches. Menus change daily and include options for children with allergies to wheat, soy, and dairy.
  • Kitchen Clean-Up: Cleaning duties include mopping the floors in quiet times of day, and washing pots, buckets and utensils used by every member of the kitchen team, ensuring they are clean and sanitized to keep the camp healthy and positive.
  • Veggie Chopping: We peel and chop every morning while we chant and drink yogi tea. Most of our chopping is expertly done in the morning. Expect to arrive in the kitchen as early as 5 am to begin.
  • (FULL) Yogi Tea/Golden Milk: This team is responsible for preparing the Yogi Tea, which is served every morning and evening, and for producing the Golden Milk for the Tantric evenings.

Arrival on Wednesday June 12th
Start serving on Thursday, June 13th
Serve until noon on Saturday, June 22nd


Luggage Team

There will be no luggage team in 2024.

The Solstice Luggage Shuttle team has the privilege of welcoming participants to Solstice. We receive all gracefully, give them some basic direction, and deliver their bags to their campground or cabin. We are busy on the first arrival days and again as camp closes. In between, our workload slows. Making sure we are in contact with our team and responsibilities, we have time to enjoy Solstice.

Arrival on Tuesday June 11th
Start serving on Wednesday, June 12th
Serve until noon on Saturday, June 22nd

Meal Serving Team

Help Serve breakfast, lunch and dinner daily.

Service dates:

Arrival on Wednesday June 12th
Start serving on Thursday, June 13th
Serve until noon on Saturday, June 22nd


Media Team

This team is full! No longer accepting applications.

The Photo/Film team’s commitment is to make your service area successful by providing inspirational, uplifting, quality images and video to 3HO International and the Global Community. Seeking videographers and film people for this area for Instagram material.

Service dates:

Arrival on Thursday, June 13th
Start serving on Friday, June 14th
Serve until noon on Saturday, June 22nd

Musician Team

This team is full! No longer accepting applications.

Members of the Musician Team play throughout the day for teachers who request musicians, from joining in sadhana chants, playing for classes and gurdwara, and joining headliners in evening concerts. This team is a wonderful option for musicians who are able to play at least 2 classes/offerings per day, and especially if you play more than one instrument, especially strings and percussion.

Service dates:

Arrival on Thursday June 13th
Start serving on Friday, June 14th
Serve until noon on Saturday, June 22nd

Programming Team

The programming team supports all classes and other types of programming on site. The Programming Team seeks yogis to host the classes for Summer Solstice. This team serves the teachers and students, and interfaces with the Sound, Sadhana and Musician teams to keep the flow of the daily class schedule moving efficiently and smoothly. For each class, there is a team member who helps set the teacher up, take care of their needs, and facilitate any issues that come up logistically for the classes.

Arrival on Wednesday June 12th
Start serving on Thursday, June 13th
Serve until noon on Saturday, June 22nd


Registration Check-in Team

Setting a friendly, inviting and calm atmosphere for participants as they arrive at the Solstice site is the most important function of the Registration Check-in Team. To create this requires a team that is able to stay composed and organized when check-in becomes very busy. Our work is detail-oriented and requires patience and grace. You will serve Solstice participants by completing the check-in process online, handing out badges, and supporting in other ways that provide a great start to their Solstice experience. This is a good place to practice a humble, service-oriented attitude. All team members must be comfortable with and adept at using computers. We will be completing the check-in process on-line this year as well as having on-site registration online.

Arrival on Wednesday June 12th
Start serving on Thursday, June 13th
Serve until noon on Saturday, June 22nd


Saints of the Porcelain Bowl

The primary responsibility of the Saints is the cleaning and maintenance of bathrooms and portables. The Saints meet daily and share the task of keeping our bathrooms clean and tidy! Come with a great attitude and whistle while you work!

Arrival on Wednesday June 12th
Start serving on Thursday, June 13th
Serve until noon on Saturday, June 22nd


Security Team

Patrols the grounds, works together with the Event Director, Gatekeepers, and the Sheriff on site, has excellent familiarity with 3HO Emergency plans and helps educate and assist other teams with safety and security measures. Will include some evening/overnight shifts.

Arrival on Wednesday June 12th
Start serving on Thursday, June 13th
Serve until noon on Saturday, June 22nd


Set-Up and Break Down Team

The Solstice Setup and Breakdown Crew is responsible for setting the intention for a blessed, healing, inspiring experience at Solstice. We arrive early and stay late. We need strong souls who are comfortable with physical work. General tasks include unpacking storage, painting signs, a degree of skilled carpentry (is helpful if you have it!), helping in the kitchen, and cleaning. It is a good mix of physical, creative, hard, fun, work.

Arrival on Thursday June 6th
Start serving on Friday, June 7th
Serve until 5pm on Sunday, June 23rd


Solstice Youth Camp

This team is full! No longer accepting applications.

Help to create a fun and enriching experience for children aged 3-12 during Solstice. Service exchanges help with children’s camp programming and childcare during the day, from around 8am-5pm, including White Tantric Days. All Youth Camp Service exchanges will be able to do 1-2 days of Tantric.

All parents are expected to volunteer 1-2 days of time helping at the children’s camp. 

Arrival on Wednesday June 12th
Start serving on Thursday, June 13th
Serve until noon on Saturday, June 22nd

Translation Team

Not accepting applications. No Translation Team this Summer.

Summer Solstice is an international event that draws people from around the globe. Our primary need is for capable Spanish to English translators. If you would like to offer to serve translating another language, please apply and together we will evaluate the need at the event. Translators must be able to fluently and easily convey communication from tantric facilitators, keynote teachers, and camp staff.

Arrival on Wednesday June 12th
Start serving on Thursday, June 13th
Serve until noon on Saturday, June 22nd