Recent Solstice Articles

What is Winter Solstice?
“Winter Solstice is a tradition. It is celebrated in the spirit of who we are, and it gives us strength and achievement and brings us to feel our essence. It is a gathering of the souls of the beautiful. At Winter Solstice we can really shake hands, plan for our future and show our devotion and dedication.” These are the words of Yogi Bhajan in 1986 to describe the beauty of Winter Solstice. Each year at Winter Solstice students and seekers of truth from around the world gather on a cozy campground in Northern Florida to meditate, practice the ancient…
Read: What is Winter Solstice?
First 3HO Summer Solstice Sadhana
A firsthand account of the early days of 3HO, the Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization, according to Guru Singh Khalsa, as shared on and It is the brightest fire of the year, June 21; the longest day; the shortest night; a time spiritual communities have celebrated for thousands of years. This is the Summer Solstice Sadhana, and in June of 1969 3HO began its now decades old tradition of gathering from all over the world for celebrating with Kundalini Yoga, meditation, and White Tantra Yoga. The full story of our tradition actually begins the summer before. It was June…
Read: First 3HO Summer Solstice Sadhana