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A Short and Sweet Kriya to Get the Energy Moving

This is a simple set of exercises. It makes the back feel great and gets the ener­gy moving. It is a good series to do after you wake up in the morning or before bed at night. It is also a good series to do before a longer meditation or meditative kriya.

Read: A Short and Sweet Kriya to Get the Energy Moving
Yogi Philosophy

Kundalini Yoga Kriya

The Brain Doctor

This kriya is a brain doctor. It patches the two hemispheres together so you can both sense and project who you really are.

Read: The Brain Doctor
Body Adjustment to Elevate the Spirit

Removing Body Blocks

This kriya is a rigorous workout consisting of 18 exercises that work the entire body to remove blocks.

Read: Removing Body Blocks

Kundalini Yoga for Relaxation

Happiness comes from relaxation. When you realize you are part of the Infinite Universe, then you can relax and much of your tension will go.

Read: Kundalini Yoga for Relaxation

Kundalini Yoga for Detoxification

We process food, thoughts, and all forms of energy. When that flow is continuous and clear, we are steady and flexible. The trouble is that we accumulate more than we process. This set systematically moves the energy of the body and mind to keep you light and vitalized.

Read: Kundalini Yoga for Detoxification

Pituitary Gland Series

It is said that when the pituitary gland is balanced through yoga and meditation, the body comes into harmony with the soul.

Read: Pituitary Gland Series

Basic Breath Series

The basic breath series is a series of pranayama techniques that gives you a quick lift in energy, increased clarity, and a sense of balance.

Read: Basic Breath Series

Gutka Kriya: Using the Magic Mantra as a Gutka to Reverse Negative Energy

This kriya uses the power of sound to cut through negativity and re-route the mind. The objective here is to reverse negative thinking. 

Read: Gutka Kriya: Using the Magic Mantra as a Gutka to Reverse Negative Energy

Hemisphere Adjustment and Subconscious Memory Elimination

This is an active and dynamic set intended to coordinate the efforts and activities of the left and right brain. 

Read: Hemisphere Adjustment and Subconscious Memory Elimination

Kundalini Yoga to Relieve Inner Anger

This 20-30 minute yoga set is to relieve inner anger. The exercises activate the navel center, and liberate the consciousness from stagnant energy. 

Read: Kundalini Yoga to Relieve Inner Anger