
Kundalini Yoga Kriya (Page 11)

Kriya for Tolerance

To gain strength for tolerance and humility, the navel center needs to be developed. This kriya works on the abdomen, stimulating the navel energy to rise to the higher centers and then integrating it with the whole aura.

Read: Kriya for Tolerance

Experience Your Own Strength

This is a challenging 9-part kriya that will make you sweat. It can instill power, courage, and guidance, and expand your reserve energy.

Read: Experience Your Own Strength

Kriya for Emotional Balance

Here is one simple yogic technique for emotional balance you can do most anywhere.

Read: Kriya for Emotional Balance

Three Minute Kriya to Develop a Meditative Mind

A meditative mind gives one the intuitive ability to realize the consequences of a sequence of actions and therefore gives one a guideline for dealing with cause and effect and minimizing karma.

Read: Three Minute Kriya to Develop a Meditative Mind

Kriya to Open the Heart Center

This kriya opens the heart, increases compassion and sensitivity to others, and helps you to drop emotional defensiveness. Its calming effect allows you to eliminate unnecessary thoughts and feelings, so you can be more in the present and experience your feelings more clearly.

Read: Kriya to Open the Heart Center

New Lungs and Circulation

This set rebuilds the lungs and improves circulation throughout the body. It is a rhythmical and short kriya for intermediate students or for enthusiastic beginners who are in good condition.

Read: New Lungs and Circulation

Pittra Kriya

Practice this kriya for 33 minutes a day to alleviate stress in your life. These exercises need to be done together and should not be done for less than or more than 11 minutes each.

Read: Pittra Kriya

Kriya to Know Through Intuition

This kriya develops your ability to open to the Unknown through intuition and sensitivity.

Read: Kriya to Know Through Intuition