Kundalini Yoga Kriya (Page 2)

Purifying the Lungs
This pranayama is intended to clean the respiratory system and increase lung capacity. Greater lung capacity optimizes the intake of oxygen, which helps clean the blood, and strengthens our immune response to infection.
Read: Purifying the Lungs
Guru Kriya—Touch Every Heart
Guru Kriya calls us to dwell in compassion and make this commitment: to love with a burning fire, touching every heart. Your difficulties will wash away.
Read: Guru Kriya—Touch Every Heart
Kriya for Keep Up Spirit
This is a kriya for joy, tranquility, peace, and the power to serve and uplift all those who need you.
Read: Kriya for Keep Up Spirit
Kriya for Conquering Sleep
If sleep is a regular problem for you, try practicing this kriya for 90 days. It can help to eliminate disturbances in your sleep throughout the night, and give you more energy and alertness throughout the day. It can be done either before bed at night or in the morning.
Read: Kriya for Conquering Sleep
Kriya for Balancing the Chakras & Corresponding Organs
The Kriya for Balancing the Chakras strengthens the lungs and helps you to breathe deeply. It is said to keep you young and healthy.
Read: Kriya for Balancing the Chakras & Corresponding Organs
Kriya for Metabolism and Relaxation
This easy exercise series helps to release nervous tension. Deep relaxation is a must for physical and mental health.
Read: Kriya for Metabolism and Relaxation
Maha Shakti Chalnee Indra Mudra
It is said that this meditation allows you to control the senses and thoughts, and to balance prana and apana so that your health is improved, the lung capacity is increased, and the nervous system has more vitality.
Read: Maha Shakti Chalnee Indra Mudra
Disease Resistance and Heart Helper
This kriya promotes calmness and disease-resistance by improving elimination, strengthening the nervous system, improving endurance, and strengthening the heart.
Read: Disease Resistance and Heart Helper
Kriya to See the Inner Beauty
In Kundalini Yoga there are many practices which produce the state of union or ecstasy by combining the energies of prana and apana at the base of the spine, and raising the energy up to the pineal gland. This kriya focuses on releasing tension that inhibits the free flow of energy, and raising consciousness through the movement of ojas, a concentrated fluid of life force energy.
Read: Kriya to See the Inner Beauty
Creating Magnetic Fields to Expand Your Inner Self
Sometimes the most difficult thing is to shift gears—from anger or frustration to something more productive, moving the energy from one chakra to another. This kriya can help with our capacity to make the shift.
Read: Creating Magnetic Fields to Expand Your Inner Self