Kundalini Yoga Kriya (Page 3)

Caliber Kriya
Despite our desire to be fulfilled and effective, we sometimes lack in caliber. Caliber refers to the quality of one’s character, or capacity for excellence and ability to project one’s true identity. Our nervous systems are under constant pressure, and we sometimes lack the energy to follow through on our best intentions. This short practice takes only 2 minutes, and works to strengthen the power of projection, communication, and creative capacity.
Read: Caliber Kriya
Kriya to Relax and Release Fear
This kriya helps you relax. When you are relaxed, you can access the neutral mind, and assess your situation without fear or other reactive emotions. It is cleansing and uplifting.
Read: Kriya to Relax and Release Fear
Kriya to Overcome Crisis
Mistakes in life sometimes cause us to question ourselves. If you can be secure in your identity, you can overcome the challenges that come your way. This kriya is one of the Three Kriyas to Become a Man, originally taught in 1985. Although it was initially taught only to men, it can be practiced by anyone of any gender.
Read: Kriya to Overcome Crisis
Balancing the Apana Energy
Apana is the eliminative energy. Too little or too much can create problems in accomplishing and bringing things to completion. This kriya is one of the Three Kriyas to Become a Man, originally taught in 1985. Although it was initially taught to men, it can be practiced by anyone of any gender.
Read: Balancing the Apana Energy
Kriya for Becoming Divine
This kriya is one of the Three Kriyas to Become a Man, originally taught in 1985. Although it was initially taught to men, it can be practiced by anyone of any gender.
Read: Kriya for Becoming Divine
Kriya for Achieving Comfortable, Happy Sleep
This set works to stimulate the navel point area so that we can experience “Sukh Nidra,” which is comfortable happy sleep
Read: Kriya for Achieving Comfortable, Happy Sleep
Kriya for Mood and Metabolism Balance
This kriya helps to bring you to neutrality and is said to prevent depression. It works on the nervous system, negative thinking, emotional moods, and metabolism.
Read: Kriya for Mood and Metabolism Balance
Set for Creative Flow and Happiness
This is a short, approachable set that draws on the incredible energy and creative flow of the human sensory system. It is this flow of creative energy that gives us the capacity to touch the hearts of others.
Read: Set for Creative Flow and Happiness
Kriya for the Lymph Glands
When the lymph glands and lungs aren’t working properly, the body can become ill. This kriya encourages the health and cleansing of the lymphatic system.
Read: Kriya for the Lymph Glands
Experiencing the Original You
This kriya gives depth, strength, and helps awaken the Original Self. “Awakening the Law of Intelligence in the Original Self: If you are in a demanding situation where you have to come up with a solution, control your breath by inhaling 20 seconds, holding 20 seconds, and exhaling 20 seconds. The answer you need will come to you. I want to give you that depth and that strength which is yours… the original you”. –Yogi Bhajan April 7, 1993
Read: Experiencing the Original You