
Kundalini Yoga Kriya (Page 4)

Vatskar Dhouti Kriya: To Master the Digestive System

If you want to gain control of your digestive system, practice Vatskar Dhouti Kriya once or twice a day for forty days.

Read: Vatskar Dhouti Kriya: To Master the Digestive System

The Miracle Bend

The Miracle Bend doesn’t bend the human being; it bends the negativity in the human being. It adjusts the Navel Point and can bring an emotional and angry person to calm in a very short time. You may find there will be an automatic tendency to shake while in the posture. Simply let the energy move as it will and continue with the practice.

Read: The Miracle Bend

Kriya for Creating Self-Love

This kriya helps to open the heart, create a positive relationship to the self, and make you available to receive love. 

Read: Kriya for Creating Self-Love

Kriya to Experience the Joy of Effective Action

This meditation works on the aspect of the mind that allows you to take opportunities and see things through.

Read: Kriya to Experience the Joy of Effective Action

Becoming Crystal Clear

This kriya helps us develop and crystallize our understanding of our Self, our mind, our body, and our soul.

If we can clarify our understanding of ourselves, we express truth with our actions and commitments. Get clear about who you, are so you can be that person to the world.

Read: Becoming Crystal Clear

Apana Kriya (Elimination Exercises)

This kriya works on the digestive system and the skin. Aging does not start just with years; it begins with nutritional deficiency, intestinal problems, untended emotional and physical stress, and an inflexible spine that disrupts the flow of meridians and the rejuvenating flow of your spinal fluid.

Read: Apana Kriya (Elimination Exercises)

Circling Your Psyche for Prosperity, Fulfillment, and Success

This 11 minute kriya works through movement and mantra to attract prosperity, fulfillment, and success. Be it. Believe it. Attract it.

Read: Circling Your Psyche for Prosperity, Fulfillment, and Success

Kriya for Clarity of Thought and Expanding Lung Capacity

This kriya expands and purifies the lungs. The greater the lung capacity, the greater the intake of oxygen, which cleans the blood, strengthens immunity, and allows for greater disease resistance.

Read: Kriya for Clarity of Thought and Expanding Lung Capacity

Kriya to Make You Enchantingly Beautiful

Beauty is a radiance of soul that shines through the physical appearance and beyond. This series is meant to elevate you and gives you a new inflow of energy.

Read: Kriya to Make You Enchantingly Beautiful

Kriya for Morning Sadhana

With 23 exercises, this kriya is a great total kundalini workout. It will work out all the kinks, strengthen the nervous and glandular systems, and set you up for a blissful morning meditation.

Read: Kriya for Morning Sadhana