

Kundalini Yoga Meditation

Soothing Meditation for Teens

The Soothing Meditation for Teens is best suited for children over 12 years old. It is good to do when you are feeling angry.

Read: Soothing Meditation for Teens

Memory Meditation for Teens

The Memory Meditation for Teens exercises the memory and utilizes ‘tongue clicks’. It is best suited for children over 12 years old.

Read: Memory Meditation for Teens

Meditation to Develop the Radiant Body

With the Radiant Body strong, our presence communicates contentment, containment, completeness and consciousness. Without the full Radiant Body, we grasp for some security other than our Being and the Infinite.

Read: Meditation to Develop the Radiant Body

Balancing the Nervous Energies

This gentle breath meditation brings the nervous and glandular systems into balance, tuning them to optimal efficiency.

Read: Balancing the Nervous Energies

Developing Self Rhythm

This 3-part meditation helps the body recover from fatigue and regulate the energy through the breath. With practice it develops a “self-rhythm,” in which the two hemispheres of the brain cross-relate and quell the wavering mind. 

Read: Developing Self Rhythm

Intuition Meditation

Intuition gives us the ability to know something directly without analytic reasoning. It bridges the gap between the conscious and unconscious parts of our mind, and also between instinct and reason.

Read: Intuition Meditation

Meditation for Becoming a Channel to Uplift Others in the Aquarian Age

This is a quiet meditation on yourself as a channel to uplift others in the Aquarian Age. Flawed as we may be, we can still reach out to help another and deliver them to the awareness of the Infinite Truth of their being.  

Read: Meditation for Becoming a Channel to Uplift Others in the Aquarian Age

Shiv Kriya: Hold the Mother Instinct

Experience your vastness. Look to your totality. Embody your coziness, calmness, and wisdom. You have all the strength you need in the palm of your hand.

Read: Shiv Kriya: Hold the Mother Instinct

Your Capacity for Infinity Meditation

The combination of rhythmic sound, mudra, asana, and eye focus in this kriya are said to bring you into the experience of your own Infinity. Chanting from the diaphragm is a powerful way to open the lungs.

Read: Your Capacity for Infinity Meditation

Meditation to Keep Up with our Children

This meditation is to help us keep up with our children, and to help us handle the more sensitive brain activity needed for the coming era.

Read: Meditation to Keep Up with our Children