
Kundalini Yoga Meditation (Page 10)

Antar Naad Mudra for Full Moon

This meditation is to be practiced on the Full Moon. It is a key to opening the flow of Kundalini energy. It brings peace, security, and the wisdom to make the right choices in life.

Read: Antar Naad Mudra for Full Moon

Meditation for Dealing with Your Own Mind

In this kriya, you breathe exclusively through the left nostril, which calms the nervous system, supports the heart, and begins to move you from a mindset of reactivity to positivity.

Read: Meditation for Dealing with Your Own Mind

The Mantra for Miracles

At times when there is tragedy so great your heart aches with the thought of it, chant the Miracle Mantra. Chanting this mantra is said to make the impossible possible.

Read: The Mantra for Miracles

Meditation for Developing Your Human Kindness

In this meditation, the breath, the prana, is controlled by the rhythmic eight strokes and is projected out as sound. It expands your energy, projects your aura, and gives you your excellence. It is said that this meditation gives one the ability to rise above time and space.

Read: Meditation for Developing Your Human Kindness

Shabad Kriya for Deep, Relaxing Sleep

This kriya, when practiced regularly, promotes deep, relaxed sleep and helps the nerves to regenerate. The best time to practice is every night before bed, but it can be practiced any time of the day.

Read: Shabad Kriya for Deep, Relaxing Sleep
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The Last Resort Meditation

The meditation brings relaxation, strength, and mental clarity. The mantra works to dissolve anger, negativity, and to position ourselves for victory and the right to excel.

Read: The Last Resort Meditation

The Divine Shield Meditation for Protection and Positivity

This meditation expands the aura using a mantra to activate the power of the Heart Center. This enables the compassion of the Universe to uplift you and creates a Divine Shield to accompany and protect you through the ups and downs of life.

Read: The Divine Shield Meditation for Protection and Positivity

Kirtan Kriya

This meditation brings mental balance. Through this practice, the mind awakens to the infinite capacity of the soul for sacrifice, service, and creation. It is said that a person who meditates on this sound current for 2.5 hours a day for a year, will know the unknowable and see the unseeable.

Read: Kirtan Kriya

Meditation for Finding Happiness and Peace Within

Peace and happiness can only be found within. Vibrate Ong at the center of the nose. This stimulates the brain. If it makes you cough, just allow it. It is said to be the sound of the conch, adjusting the thyroid and giving power, beauty, and youth.

Read: Meditation for Finding Happiness and Peace Within

Managed Energy Meditation

With regular practice, this kriya will help bring the glandular system and the psyche into equilibrium, so that the system is regulated by the full self, and not just our fragmented neuroses.

Read: Managed Energy Meditation