
Kundalini Yoga Meditation (Page 12)

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Breath Awareness Exercise

The character of your thoughts and emotions is reflected in the motion and level of energy in your breath. One of the first habits of a yogi is to notice the state of the breath and prana. A disturbance in the subtle prana foreshadows what will manifest in the body and emotions.

Read: Breath Awareness Exercise

Meditation for Healing Addictions

This meditation helps to regulate the pineal and pituitary glands. It is excellent for everyone, but particularly effective for rehabilitation efforts in drug dependence, mental illness, and phobic conditions.

Read: Meditation for Healing Addictions

The Master Key Meditation: Ek Ong Kaar Sat Gur Prasaad

This mantra is known as the Siri Mantra or the Magic Mantra. It is considered a master key to the Cosmos, which opens the way forward when you are stuck, brings great intuition, and removes negativity.

Read: The Master Key Meditation: Ek Ong Kaar Sat Gur Prasaad

Kundalini Meditation: Blessing

This meditation helps to clear away duality and sweep away the shadows, so that we can become a clear channel for the Infinite and the clear light of consciousness can shine through. 

Read: Kundalini Meditation: Blessing

Meditation for Inspiring, Deeply Penetrating Speech

As a result of mastering this meditation, it is said that you can become conscious in thought and action; and your words can have the power to penetrate deeply, inspire, and always represent the truth of a given situation.

Read: Meditation for Inspiring, Deeply Penetrating Speech

Meditation for Absolutely Powerful Energy

This meditation is said to give you powerful energy; help remedy ‘brain drain;’ work on the eyes, ears, nose, thyroid and brain; and give you a great joy in life.

Read: Meditation for Absolutely Powerful Energy

Attitude of Gratitude Meditation

This mantra is said to attract prosperity and dispel negativity. An attitude of gratitude creates an upward spiral of positivity, moving us toward prosperity.

Read: Attitude of Gratitude Meditation

Meditation to Alleviate Your Stress

Practice the Meditation to Alleviate your Stress in the evening to wash the stress from your body and your aura. Use it to reclaim yourself, quiet the mind’s noise, and open into profound stillness.

Read: Meditation to Alleviate Your Stress

Meditation for Change

To come out of the darkness, you must assess yourself. Ultimately, to be happy through all change and to have the full radiance of your soul, there must be surrender of your self to your higher self.

Read: Meditation for Change

Meditation on Rama

This meditation uses the same melody as Kirtan Kriya. Chanting Ra-a-Ma-a in this way merges the sun and moon energies, bringing the polarity energies of the mind-body into balance.  This meditation can be done alone or in a group. Chanting in a group will bring you to the same frequency of communication with each other and will expand your intuition to understand one another, rather than misunderstand, or misinterpret the communication.

Read: Meditation on Rama