
Kundalini Yoga Meditation (Page 4)

Meditation for Balancing the Moon Centers

This is a very creative meditation that can be practiced by anyone of any gender. A 40-day practice of this kriya is said to give the power to break unwanted habits.

Read: Meditation for Balancing the Moon Centers

Meditation for Beaming and Creating the Future

Meditate to clear your mind of distracting thoughts and attachments. Become still and use the beaming quality of the mind to project and create your future.

Read: Meditation for Beaming and Creating the Future

Adi Shakti Tratakam Meditation

Tratakam is a Sanskrit word which means “to look” or “to gaze.” This meditation technique involves staring at a single point of focus. This is typically the flame of a candle, but other objects that may be used include a place on the wall, an object of worship, a deity, flower, mountain, or rising sun or moon.

Read: Adi Shakti Tratakam Meditation

Indra Nittri Meditation

Indra Nittri means the eyes of Indra. It connotes the feeling that every pore of the body becomes an all-seeing eye. It represents knowledge that comes through the soul and intuition.

Read: Indra Nittri Meditation

Listening to Angelic Whispers

This meditation refines the sattvic guna of your mind. Sattvic means pure, true, and balanced, and it represents contentment, joy, peace, and harmony.

Read: Listening to Angelic Whispers

Meditation for the Radiant Body

This kriya uses the Ajai Alai mantra. It is the mantra for the radiant body, said to make you bright and beautiful. 

Read: Meditation for the Radiant Body

Meditation for Radiance: Wahe Guru Pranayama

Realize the Infinity carried by the breath, and imbue Wahe Guru in each cell, like you are an ocean of sound and every cell is a bell that is vibrating. 

Read: Meditation for Radiance: Wahe Guru Pranayama

Meditation for Facing the Challenge of Tomorrow

To face the challenge of tomorrow, we must live in the present moment and accept what that moment brings. This 3-part kriya recalibrates our responsiveness to what is, as it is.

Read: Meditation for Facing the Challenge of Tomorrow

Guidance of the Soul

This exercise is an opportunity to learn to confront your pain, your calamity, and overcome it. Give power to yourself through this practice.

Read: Guidance of the Soul

Meditation for a Stable Self

This meditation works to remove our knee-jerk fear reactions and make us steady.

Read: Meditation for a Stable Self