Kundalini Yoga Meditation (Page 5)
Meditation to Balance the Hemispheres
Through mastery of the meditative mind, we have the opportunity to experience happiness and fulfillment.
Meditation for Guidance: Strengthen the Inner Voice
This practice harnesses the power of japa, or mantra repetition, to confirm and reaffirm your Self through your own sound current, your own voice.
Meditation for Maturity and Wisdom
This is a 31-minute meditation for maturity and wisdom. It works through a gentle, yet persistent pump of the navel. The navel center is home to our willpower, discipline, projection and ability to commit.
Sa Ta Na Ma Kriya to Change the Spinal Fluid and Gray Matter of the Brain
This is a complete physical movement. Let the hands and navel dance as one. Do not practice this meditation for more than 11 minutes. After 5-7 minutes, it’s believed to change the spinal serum and gray matter of the brain.
Caliber for Constant Self-Authority
Caliber is a degree of excellence created by one’s integrity and commitment. A high caliber gives the ability to maintain and project your authentic identity and committed self through all environments. This meditation enhances your capacity for caliber, to hold and execute self-authority.
Guru Ram Das Rhythmic Harmony for Happiness Meditation
This meditation creates a sense of meditative peace. Practice it and notice how your entire surroundings feel the vibratory effect.
3½ Cycle Laya Yoga Chant
This chant brings presence to your soul and destiny. It lets your activity serve your purpose, by connecting you with creativity and focusing your attention toward your true priorities. Strong actions combined with non-attachment make life a dance with much creativity and gratitude.
Meditation on the Divine Mother—Adi Shakti
This meditation enhances concentration and mental projection. It attunes you to the frequency of the Divine Mother—the primal, protective, generating energy. It can help to eliminate fears, fulfill desires, and increase our effectiveness by removing the insecurities that block us from taking action.
Two-Part Meditation to Realize your Grace and Rise above Reflex Actions
When we live only by reflex, we lose contact with our source of higher energy, integration, and inspiration. If we are to find God, the Infinite, we must first stop looking for Him and find ourselves. To find ourselves we must first value ourselves and the life energy that sustains us. In this two-part breath meditation you begin to realize through your own grace that you don’t need to find God: God will find you. The heart center opens and your consciousness is altered.
Pran Bandha Mantra Meditation
Pran Bandha Mantra means that mantra, or sound combination, that collects, binds, and commands the life force or prana. Pavan is the air, the breath, the carrier of prana, or the life force. This is God in action.