
Kundalini Yoga Meditation (Page 7)

Clearing the Subconscious

Get clear and use the power of the breath of life as a prayer for self-elevation.

Read: Clearing the Subconscious

Bringing Mental Balance

This meditation is also known as the meditation to do ‘When Nothing Else Works.’ Try it when you don’t know what to do. It is said to counter the effects of disorientation, depression, and disconnectedness.

Read: Bringing Mental Balance

Smiling Buddha Kriya

Master this technique and experience the state it brings. Then share it by creating beauty and peace.

Read: Smiling Buddha Kriya
spiritual names

Meditation for an Invincible Spirit

This meditation is a practice for the Aquarian Age to help us act with integrity and clarity, so that we can remain human under the pressures of the times and the distractions of change, ego, and emotion.

Read: Meditation for an Invincible Spirit

Open Lotus Heart Meditation

When the Heart Center is strong and open, old wounds can heal and defenses begin to drop away. We are most aligned with our real Self when we have the strength to stay open and connected.

Read: Open Lotus Heart Meditation

Meditation to Command the Five Tattvas

This simple, rhythmic mantra is said to give you the power to penetrate into the Unknown without fear. It can also give you protection, mental balance, and self-control, so you can command your five tattvas for effective living.

Read: Meditation to Command the Five Tattvas

Meditation to Clear Your Communication

This kriya is said to clear your communication so another person will be more able to hear what you say when you speak. It uses the mantra “Sat Nam,” the eternal sound. Chanting this mantra is said to give you Heaven and Earth in balance.

Read: Meditation to Clear Your Communication

Seventh Body Meditation

The Seventh Body is the aura, the electromagnetic field that is generated by a human being that surrounds her up to nine feet in every direction. When your aura is weak, you seem vulnerable to everything that passes by or through you.

Read: Seventh Body Meditation

Gyan Mudra Kriya

This is a simple but powerful meditation that is said to help coordinate the brain hemispheres, giving you powerful insight. It is an excellent tool to turn to when you do not know what to do.

Read: Gyan Mudra Kriya

The Liberated Heart Meditation

This meditation develops the neutral mind. When your neutral mind is working for you, you observe everything around you without reacting in anger or enmity. In the absence of these reactions, your heart can open and you can live as your authentic self.

Read: The Liberated Heart Meditation